Anybody go to AWA?

Animekid @animekid
Anybody go to AWA?
Animekid @animekid
Did any maiotaku members go to AWA this year? If so I'd love to hear ya!

Takkun87 @takkun87
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
Takkun87 @takkun87
I just got back from AWA 2014 and it was awesome! I must have spent nearly $400 while in Atlanta but it was worth it. I was cosplaying as Kamen Rider Faiz on Saturday and did a couple photo shoots. One thing that made my day was eating at Fogo de Chao downtown with my buddies. I can honestly say it's worth the money and the best restaurant I have ever dined at. I'm going to hit up Atlanta again soon just to eat there.
I decided to also pick up an old PS2 with memory card, two controllers, and a few games. All in great condition! I never had a PS2 before so now I can catch up on all the awesomeness I missed out over the years.
If you have any questions or want to see any photos just ask! I may be a little bit busy at the moment being tied up with University studies but I'll come around to answer any requests. ^-^

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
Animekid @animekid
It WAS awesome wasn't it!? I didn't really end up spending much money at all myself (reasons for that are for another story lol). I was cosplaying as Fai from Tsubasa. I was carrying a 7ft gold staff with blue gems so easy to see haha. Afraid I don't recall seeing you there but there were a ton of people so easy to miss a few, just a part of the way cons work ya know?
Around the time of PS3 vs Xbox 360 I ended up going with the PS3 because I never had a PS system and I looked at all the awesome PS games (at that time past and present) and I looked at the new 360 games and it was a definite PS3 lol. I still have 18 games to finish/start lol. Across 3 or so systems too! Lol.

ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
Let's see. This year's incidents were two fire alarms pulled during the rave and a couple getting caught having sex on the stairs during the first fire alarm. Oh, and the shitstorm about the Victoria's Secret Angel cosplay. Other than that, it was pretty cool for my first visit to AWA. Got to check out my friend play the rave and saw Shonen Knife in concert.
I only cosplayed once and was in the Touhou Project photo shoot.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
Animekid @animekid
Wow that's quite risqué lol. What was the big deal about it? Glad you enjoyed it.

Rey G @reyjiark
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
Rey G @reyjiark
Was there as one of the many Kirito's but dressed up as ALO Kirito from the second season of Sword Art Online and the Extra Edition episode. I think I do remember seeing a tall Fai with a golden staff walking around. That's pretty hard to miss.
Didn't spend as much money as I wanted to for AWA since most of my cash already went to Dragon Con prior. Bought a Japanese game import for my PS3 and a Gundam model for a friend of mine. 'Sides that, just went people watching, getting my pic taken along with my buddies and had one hell of a blast watching the Home Made Kazoku concert. By far my most favorite con honestly since I kinda felt more at home being in AWA than I did at Dragon Con. Definitely already planning for next year.

Arariku @arariku
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
Arariku @arariku
Awa this year was crazy for me this year. I had a great time looking back on it tho.
I left my cosplay and most of my clothes home. Had to go buy new clothes for the con.
Got into a fight with an ex's husband (long story) then he stalked me around the con Friday night.
My friend told me it couldn't get any worse. Oh but it did my car got stolen Saturday morning. We had had a time getting back home. lol

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
Animekid @animekid
Glad to see so many people from here attended and had a good time as well as at least one person (maybe) seeing me haha. Really sorry to hear about your car though.
P.s. Dragon Con is awesome too though yes, in an anime sense Dcon doesn't come close to AWA XD

ragna66 @ragna66
commented on
Anybody go to AWA?
ragna66 @ragna66
I did and I loved it, didn't really have anything bad happen, Had a blast at the rave overall it was fun and I will def be going back
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