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What does one do if they know the have been lied to?

Be it Friends, lovers, family, partners or associates. Lies can often damage those relationships some fixable while others not so much. My question to you all is what do you do when you know they have lied to you?
I think it would depend on the severity of the lie. Personally, I let the person know what I feel from what they did and let them know they have one last chance. If they don't respect me enough to stop lying, I cut them from my life completely. I've let go of immediate family and friends of 12 years and am left with very few in my life, however, I'd rather be around few honest people that respect me than surround myself with people who don't respect me. If I'm lied to because of their lack of respect, how can I show them respect if I'm constantly questioning their honesty?
Depends on the lie. I have a friend that would tell us these stories about things that happen to him. All very believable, until one day he told a story that had to do with a lady friend of mine. Shes a close friend so I asked her about it and she told me it wasnt true. So I decided to find out if some of the other stories are bullshit. 70% were. I havent done anything about it since the stories are funny and dont do me any harm. But I dont trust his word as much anymore.
....CODE RED! CODE RED! ....COD Minecraft! Now get you riffle soldier!....haha just kiddin' :) *looks up* very well said Rebecca-chan!. *claps claps* . I'd do the same thing. Give them the cold shoulder..xD awoo ....though it depends on the type of lie. But trust is like a mirror, right? :) ..The second chance part is kindness cause you value the bond/relationship..maybe they have this super big burden where they had to painfully do that. But still if they lie it's a lie,. the 2nd time around, third even? Woaw..i think somethings wrong. ..personally i hate lies..who in their right minds would like dem anyways. lie once, ders a chance they would do it twice, thrice who knows.. Jean's right....the sad and scary part is the pain you have to go through tryi'na think which were false or true.. ..The second chance part is kindness cause you value the bond/relationship..maybe they have this super big burden where they had to painfully do that. But still if they lie it's a lie,. the 2nd time around, third even? Woaw..i think somethings wrong. ..personally i hate lies..who in their right minds would like dem anyways. lie once, ders a chance they would do it twice, thrice who knows.. the sad and scary part is the pain you have to go through time tryi'na think which were false or true..
If someone has good reason to lie in thr first place, try asking them what happened and try to see it from their perspective, it may not be because they wanted to, but rather because they had to.
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