How has anime effected you life?

altair88 @altair88
How has anime effected you life?
altair88 @altair88
Has it been a positive effect? Has it changed your view on life itself? Has it help you overcome some obstacle?
For me I feel it's given me a purpose so to speak. My dream is to make a series that can help people of all types overcome one thing or another. A broad dream but I think I can do it. However, anime has let me down on occasion. Mainly when I hit a wall it seem the anime that would have help me wasn't produced yet lol. The years later the show that could have helped me comes out. Welcome to the NHK helped me out quite abit I actually had a fear of going outside for awhile. That show kinda snapped me out of it.
So how about you? What's your story?

altair88 @altair88
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
altair88 @altair88
Pardon the typo not sure how to fix it.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Anime... hm. Well to start off, I was very little and owned a copy of an anime version of wizard of oz on vhs but had no idea it was anime. Whenever I saw something like that, id think it was weird but hey I was like 3 years old. The floodgates didnt open up for me until pokemon. Everyone in school liked it too so it gave me a chance to socialize and find some people to battle, we didnt trade as much. When pokemon stadium came out we were battling constantly! Dragonball z was also big at the time, but I didntncatch much when I was on kids wb. My mother was worried like alot of moms in the 90s. This was durring doom and mortal kombat so any form of violence would get blamed on the media, including bullying in school. So I was told to avoid dbz, I couldnt watch batman the animated series either, thst sucked. XD I did however watch alot of xmen. 4kids anime like cardcaptor sakura, shaman king, yugioh, fzero, and to a lesser extent sonic x were my go to shows, cheesy as 4kids was. Im going 4o say that yugioh had the most influence on me, I loved how overly dramatic everyhing was. Little did I know this was a genre called shonen, and that I would be following others like it for the rest of my life. There was also fox family on saturday mornings they would air digimon, flint the time detective, monster rancher (another fav!) And xmen. Then my little cousin was born. The kid grew up watching godzilla movies and cartoon network, a channel at the time I didnt know existed. Then one afternoon moltar, a classic hanna barbarra character would host a bunch of cool kids shows, some later anime from inside a tv control room. This was a block called toonami and it was about to change my life forever.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
^Toonami T_T <3

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Whenever I go back to watch the first episode of pokemon for a little nostalgia trip I end up getting emotional over it. Why cant the show be like it was almost 20 years ago? Xo

slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
Anime and its affiliate hobbies has helped me tremendously because there are facets of it that help me get interested in other things. For example, I wanted to cosplay Goku. Of course, Goku is freaking ripped, so I needed to lose weight. After a long time of working on losing weight I realized I enjoyed nutrition and also that I could help others lose weight. So now not only have I lost weight because of it, but also I am in a new career because of it. Also, cosplay re-taught me how to sew. It's amazing the amount of people who do not know how to sew. Also, if it weren't for anime, I probably would have very few friends at all. In fact, the only people I can call friends at my new school I met because of the anime club.

altair88 @altair88
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
altair88 @altair88
Great story my friend glad to see it had such a positive influence of your life. Though I am envious that there weren't any anime clubs at my schools.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
I know alot of people bash on naruto, heck ive done some myself,but durring high school when they first aired it here I loved how relatable and smart the show was. It was about the underdog who worked his way up to the top against all odds, which is usually what makes alot of shonen great. In turn he inspired others throughout the story and everyone got their moment to shine. Try telling that to shippuden.

altair88 @altair88
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
altair88 @altair88
Well about natural the one that inspired me most was Rock Lee that fight with garra gave me the feels. Even with everything stacked against him he still became an awesome ninja.

slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
commented on
How has anime effected you life?
slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
Meijirurouni89 -Naruto: Shippuden is what bonded my workplace. I'm serious. Most of us are young and most of us either already like it or got turned to it. Now we just rant about it. I've moved on since then, but we still text ranting about the newest episodes.
Also, Shippuden is what got me to realize that mainstream anime are not just overbloated series caused by fanservice and advertising, but that they are popular because they are good.
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