Yu-Gi-Oh players?

YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
Yu-Gi-Oh players?
YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
Any yugioh players on this site? If so, any wanna duel?

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
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Yu-Gi-Oh players?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
Well, I DO have some YuGiOh Cards, and I DID download YuGiOh Duel Generator......

Sobi @sobi
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Yu-Gi-Oh players?
Sobi @sobi
I play a bit with my deck.

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Yu-Gi-Oh players?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
I haven't kept up with the current cards. Still, I know what cards I did want. I would really like to make something more original...

YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
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Yu-Gi-Oh players?
YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
Sweet, I try to make some interesting decks while also making some competitive ones as well.

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Yu-Gi-Oh players?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
What kind of cards do like? Do you have any particular cards that you like to have in your deck? Any "trump cards"?(Including Effect Monsters, Tuners, Spells, Traps, etc.)

YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
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Yu-Gi-Oh players?
YourxHenchman @yourxhenchman
The Machine King is my Trump, since I one a duel in one turn in a combo that involved him >:)

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Yu-Gi-Oh players?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
Ah, Machine King. I'm still looking for an original favorite card(s), but right now, I love(among several, SEVERAL others) Dark Paladin. I just wish I HAD that card....

Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
commented on
Yu-Gi-Oh players?
Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
I kinda dropped out from playing after the most recent packs came out and completely changed competitive play, what with top-tier decks costing hundreds of dollars to construct. Now I tinker around with whatever cards I have left, mostly my Dark Magician Decks.

phantomdark @phantomdark
commented on
Yu-Gi-Oh players?
phantomdark @phantomdark
I play but i have alot of trouble finding anyone else that does where i live
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