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Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
It seems I have a love/hate relationship with this site.

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
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misskittehcat @misskittehcat
i'm an illustration major intending on doing character designs for games or movies :p if i can't find a job though i wouldn't mind teaching or being an art therapist

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
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misskittehcat @misskittehcat
i do post it online on my DA :p but yeah school eats up 90% of my time. being an art major means constant assignments and projects that can't be bullshitted in one night like papers. and when i'm not going to school im working for my school to have a little cash for me and booger. even weekends im running around like a mad woman trying to get my life together
Conversational Stuff

Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
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Conversational Stuff
Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
Well, this helps kinda. Thanks.
Origin of your username

Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
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Origin of your username
Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
I gave myself this nickname about... 13 years ago, it's just a play off of the name "Nobuyuki," with the edit due to my affinity for cats. I had just started really being into the anthro scene back then. It's been my nickname ever since, and I've used it in damn near all my usernames ever since, with an addition of a surname coming a couple years later, when I made a character to go with the name for an RP my soon-to-be-fiancee (now ex-fiancee) and I were doing. Whenever possible, I use "Nekoyuki" for a username, but if someone has taken it, I add the surname.<br><br>
TL;DR? It's a name I came up with 13 years ago for use at a local gaming centre.