Mario Kart 8
maukun @maukun
Mario Kart 8
maukun @maukun
I'm not sure if this tpic has already been opened, but does anyone here play it?
I fell in love with this game since I played it at a store, not that we have a WiiU I already own it.
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Mario Kart 8
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I was just about to download it last week when I saw they were adding Isabelle from Animal Crossing as a downloadable but then I read, "The DLC can be downloaded in May." Well, see you next year, Mario Kart.
CastawayJ @castawayj
commented on
Mario Kart 8
CastawayJ @castawayj
I have it but I can no longer connect to the internet with it :/
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