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People who are scared to talk to someone they like/think is nice

Grow a pair. Seriously. You miss 100% of the opportunities that you don't take. If you think you're fat, then guess what, you're fat. You don't like that you're fat? The change it. Get liposuction or work out. You think you're too skinny? Then go to a fucking buffet and eat you twig. Think you're ugly? Well then you are. Get a make-over. Change your haircut, get some new clothes. Are you lazy? get a fucking RedBull. Hate rejection? Tough shit. It happens. Be an adult, accept that not everyone will like you and move on. Dwelling on shit is the dumbest thing to do if it's not helping you grow and mature. No confidence? The most painful step is the 1st one, after that it's like riding a bike. I may troll like a mofo out here, but I've been there. Liking someone from the shadows & freezing everytime she even glanced my way. Never made a move and guess what happened? I find out years later that she liked me too and was waiting for me to say something. I also find out that she and 2 of her friends thought I was the cutest boy in class for years and the reason they never said anything to me was because they wanted me to choose. I could've had a fucking choice between the 3 hottest girls in my grade but because I was a fucking chicken shit I missed it. Never again. Grant it, you learn from your mistakes. I know I did. If you put me in a room with women I will talk to anyone with no problem. It's all in your presence and attitude. If your thinking to yourself "I'm ugly, no one likes me, I'm boring" then guess what you do? You slouch, avoid eye contact, look at the ground, hide in the corner, give off that "creep/lonely" vibe. Your attitude is the only thing stopping you from getting what you want. I bet you know when the next episode/chapter of your favorite animu/mango comes out. Why? cause you study it. you're engrossed in it. You like it. When you stop being a hermit and put a fration of that kind of devotion and attention in getting something else like a relationship, I bet you'll get what you want. Reach for the stars so that if you fall you'll land on the clouds.
I think a lot of it is also based on a kind of scarcity mentality. That there's only the one true love, or that each person is only allotted a certain number of romantic partners and dear god, what if that's them and I'll mess it up?! You know what I mean? So every interaction and potential rejection just has that much more pressure on it because if you don't make it work with this person, than you're forever alone. I think it's important to get out of that mind frame. There's plenty of people of the gender you're interested in that would also be interested in you. Be confident in yourself, because when you're not, everyone knows. And if you don't like something about yourself than change it. It's not reasonable to say that someone else should like you irregardless of your flaws when you yourself dislike your flaws.
I absolutely hate that mindframe. If it was meant to be then you would be together. Plain & simple. If the guy/girl broke up with you then maybe, just maybe it's a blessing. Now if you're a lazy fuck and all you do is bitch & complain & cheat on your sig. other then no shit, you're gonna be more alone than not. But if you're really sincere and you talk to someone, well, shit may go in your favor. "but what if it doesn't, Kichi? What if I'm all nice and s/he still rejects me?" then that bitch doesn't know what they're missing, fuck em and move onto someone who's worthy of your affection.
+9000 Yeah! Tell ehm bro >:D
Way I see it, you have enough guts to sign up, then dont go in halfway! GO ALL THE WAY! Just be honest and have some confidence!
Kichigai, you made my balls drop bro. Lol. Though in all seriousness it's a good post and something that 'ought to be said more often than not. We will not progress if we don't jump into the fire.
It's just real shit. I never was the kind to hide the fact that I liked anime and video games. Everyone knew in high school, middle school, elementary school, that I fucking loved anime. I wore the DBZ shirts, hell, I used to have the ThunderCats boots waaaaaaaaay back in the day. Hell, I STILL have a thundercats symbol shirt I wear everywhere. I may go out and DJ, cause it's my job, but do you know what I do in my free time? I call up a few friends, get some beers, hit up Crunchyroll and watch anime until I pass out OR I play video games. RPG's, fighting, adventure games, whatever. I'm not gonna hide that.
Rpgs and fighters are awesome! Final fantasy 6, shining force, Samurai showdown, xmen vs street fighter!
Ha. I was slightly different. Anime was popular in Thailand, so I had no problem there but when I moved to the United States I downplayed my interest in it and just went with what I liked and what other people liked as well since I'm pretty eclectic. In retrospect I wish I didn't since Anime and Gaming are big parts of my life - so there's a lot of value in what you say.
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