RPG and Ceativity

fyorte @fyorte
RPG and Ceativity
fyorte @fyorte
So, I want to talk about the creative side of RPG vide games. Anyone one spit fire about a game/game series you enjoy and tell me about what makes it's story, characters, and or franchise unique and creative to you? =)

Amrod @amrodcalanor
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RPG and Ceativity
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Dragon Quest 8, so creative and fun.

fyorte @fyorte
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RPG and Ceativity
fyorte @fyorte
Oh? What are somethings that make it creative and fun? =)

Doragonfighter @doragonfighter
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RPG and Ceativity
Doragonfighter @doragonfighter
I know the game series "Suikoden", it is an JRPG on PSone.
Old graphic but I like that Graphic.
Suikoden is very legendary for me, because it have a great story of a friendship of some youth people in a old age of time. And they have to fight against a big army, they have to collect a rebel army to fight against the imperial.
And you meet very many and different kinds of characters in that game. There are also really many Monsters, very creative, one seeems like a chinese dragon (AHHH I love chinese dragons XD).
The characters are fighting with weapons against the enemies (one char fight just with fists O_O)
and YOu also have some powers, called RUNES. You can also find new runes.
The Landscapes and cities are also cool.
I played Suikoden I and II. Im still playing it haha.

fyorte @fyorte
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RPG and Ceativity
fyorte @fyorte
I think the most interesting fact to me about Suikoden is that it's a group of youth in an old age. Not that other games haven't done it, it's just a first for me. From what I've watched and read at least they are usually adults so having younger people seems pretty cool. =D
I'd love to play it and find out about the characters and even the ones they meet. Also there abilities may even be awesome despite the graphics. I really like when games create incantations for the magic users. I like to see how what they say makes sense for the spell they are conjuring. Lol. I don't know, I just like it.
But yea, definitely seems like a game I'd like to play.

Rinar @renard
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RPG and Ceativity
Rinar @renard
One thing I liked a lot in FFVII is that most of the mini games are so good they could be actual gameson their own. Like you could be breeding and racing chocobos for hours upon hours without touching the story at all. Or battle in Fort Condor, play snowboard, compete at the Gold Saucer… The game was so complete and gorgeous that I really felt I was going on an adventure. There are probably others rpg that offer great experiences like this but VII is the only one I played yet :/

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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RPG and Ceativity
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Golden Sun for game boy advance. This game made it worth owning the handheld. So much content was packed into it that they had to split it into 2 games! The dialogue and story are both top notch and the music, oh man! The battle system is unique and easy to manage even pulling off a sort of psuedo 3d style. The summon system for the djinn was genius! The way you could use abilities outside battle and could read everyines mind for extra dialogue was a nice touch. The puzzles were original and mindbending, I could go on!

Karasu @kain_karasu
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RPG and Ceativity
Karasu @kain_karasu
I liked a lot of the Wild Arms series, it was a well done anime styled RPG that not only seemed complete, but the puzzles and things they made you do to progress through the story were actually somewhat challenging. Though FFVII was awesome in it's own right because they had so much for you to do on the side that was actually enjoyable. A lot of games don't have things you can do on the side that make you want to do them (and not just for rewards).

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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RPG and Ceativity
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
The only wild arms ive played is 3, I have seen the anime too. 3 was good, I dug the whole split storyline.

fyorte @fyorte
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RPG and Ceativity
fyorte @fyorte
Look at the games I have to play. Lol.
I like Final Fantasy VII though I didn't get to play. I only watched some friends back when I didn't like video games. But I read a lot too so I know it's a good game.
Golden Sun is something I've seen before but just never got another chance to come across it. I hope to sometime, one day. XD
As for Wild Arms, I haven't heard of that one. O.o I hope I can find all of them. Apparently if meijirurouni89 has played the 3rd one there are more of them. =)
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