Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?

willyrin @willyrin
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
willyrin @willyrin
Was wondering if there are people that live in PA D: cause i seem to be all alone q.q

aschthebloody @aschthebloody
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
This account has been suspended.

willyrin @willyrin
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
willyrin @willyrin
That's cool :D I'm over in King of Prussia

shisoukage @shisoukage
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
shisoukage @shisoukage
South Central PA here

shashank @shashank
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
shashank @shashank
Conshohocken! Sweet!! (individual from KOP)! there's someone out there (nearby..) lol
So who here is also a Dr. Who fan

Orange @calmriver
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
Orange @calmriver
I live in whitehall P.A. right next to Allentown I know where king of Prussia is it is like 20 - 30 minutes away lol

dainariuzamaki @dainariuzamaki
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
dainariuzamaki @dainariuzamaki
I live in Harrisburg! I hate it out here.

caputmortuum @caputmortuum
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
caputmortuum @caputmortuum
West chester here!

gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
I'm around the NEPA area. a handful of otaku are around here, but most seem like closet ones :/

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
Pennsylvania Peeps? q-q all alone or is there some friends out there?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Midland, pa over here. XD
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