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Can't get in a relationship cause "I'm too nice"???

Maybe you should try being more assertive?
@vampire Just issues with some guys throwing tantrums when I turn them down. I tell them that I don't see them as anything more than friends and then the explosions happen. Lots of, "I'm a nice guy! How dare you not go out with me!" and like calling me a bitch who just used them and abused their tender hearts. How they wasted their time because apparently while I thought we were just friends, we were actually in a complicated dating situation. I'm "friendzoning" him and he doesn't deserve it because by god he's put in enough friendship tokens that some prize must be awarded apparently. And then they complain to all our mutual friends, some of who also like to berate me on how I turned down a nice guy and that I should give him a chance. Ya know, I still have a guy who'll send me messages periodically about how I ruined his life and yadda yadda. Always around the time that another girl has rejected him. A lot of these guys like to say that they're nice guys when they obviously aren't and then they think I owe them something for them being nice to me. But yeah, "nice guys" man, they're like a plague...
lmfao Xueli I just went through something similar like you, this girl has the biggest crush on me but I turned her down, told her I just wanted to be friends, and she dint speak to me for a whole week, and we have the same group of friends so of course they were texting me to give her a chance and that quote "you dont choose love, love chooses you". lol and then she went to the extent to post on facebook on how much I depressed her, but anyways I just talked to her and calmed her down and we are still good friends
Love is Madness, I tell you!!! MADNESS!!! :D
Xueli--> If he's throwing such a big fit than he has serious insecurities or psychological issues and I wouldn't call him a nice guy. Plenty of psychos call themselves nice guys. Either a girl wants to be with me or she doesn't. If she doesn't than I'm not going to waste my time trying to get with her. That's why I prefer the girl to make the first move.
Yay! I suppose I'm Psycho! lol A Canadian Psycho, perhaps? :D
@oreo, I never manage to regain friendship with those guys. Yeah, in my book, you really can't come back from that kind of fit. @vampire_neko, that's why I differentiate between "nice guys" and guys who are nice, hahaha. I don't think having a crush on someone without them saying they reciprocate your feelings is bad but I think it crosses a line when people get too caught up in that fantasy and get emotionally invested in something that might not have a basis in reality. Basically people should just ask the other person before it gets to that point.
-Hugs every random person in this entire chat forum- Cheer up, peeps! Everyone sounds so depressed these days. :(
@Topic starter: you'll get over it after puberty. That's just your hormones talking.
-buggy post I had a train of thought but the site just reposted my last post -_-
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