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Did I do something to deserve being cheated on?

Every girlfriend I've had has cheated on me and left me for the person she cheated with. The first cheated on me and broke up with me while I was hospitalized, and the second cheated on me after only two months of dating. I don't think it's just a coincidence that my relationships always end like that. It's made me wonder if there's something I've done to deserve always being cheated on, or maybe it's a sign that I'm not supposed to have a girlfriend because I'm not good enough for anyone.
It's not good to think like that. You deserve to be treated right. Nobody deserves to be cheated on. There is no good reason to cheat on a person. These girls didn't respect your feelings and that is important in a relationship. Not things like "I like Naruto." We'll I like One Piece and I can't get into Naruto. That's stuff you just agree to have a difference in. But things like if I go to Japan to work and my hypothetical boyfriend is in the US while I am there I'm not "tasting the local cuisine" andlikewise he's not getting with anyone else and cheating because we respect our feelings for each other. Sure there has to be attraction in a relationship, but things like mutual respect and caring are important in a relationship. It seems like these girls just weren't as serious about it as you were. ):
Well then! I doubt you did anything wrong to be cheated on, no one does anything unless stated. I know it must be very dificult to go along with this, but honestly they let go of someone whos worth everyhing.Please do not think that lowly of yourself. Its like that one saying, you don't know what you have til you let it go. If they came in your life and left, I would say it cause its not the girl, trust me she will come around, you'll know when she does. ^^ dont loose hope! And most of all dont give up ne! Oh dont be afraid, as long as you have many close friends to support you, everything will be okie.
I haven't read everything tbh. For some reason a lot of girls and guys cheat on eachother, comes to show you how much they actually care about you. You might or might not do anything wrong but something in her must've thought you weren't the one. Or maybe her reason for dating you wasn't to stay with you but just to have some one for a while wich means she might not have loved you or maybe like a lot of people been blinded by something. I know that it sounds rude, but I think if a girl/guy really loves you no matter what you do, how harsh rude or bad it might've been she/he will always stay by your side. For me that is true love. Something strange I noticed a bit ago, my mother has been married 3 times (for me, I don't think there's much love in between if you can do that) but now she met someone and she honestly says that she doesn't love him. But he does everything for her, everything and that made her decide to give him a chance (a few already), he hasn't done anything wrong though she thinks it sometimes. He also went to a hospital to find help with his alchohol problem for her. He's willing to give up everything for her. It's something I didn't think was possible and man oh man has she put him trough a lot, but he's still here. that's just something to think about. Love doesn't always come from both sides at the same time, love is something that grows in between. Like a flower.
Well I feel that I have not contributed enough on this site. This feeling that you are not worthy for a relationship or anything is not correct. I think whoever you may have been with at the time just did not have the resolve or connection that you did to stay with you even under circumstances such as that. Tell me this much though out of both of those relationships did either one make gestures or anything themselves in regards to being romantic. You have done nothing wrong at all. If they simply moved on with somebody else behind your back without being honest. It does hurt but there are plenty people that deal with relationship partners that cheat out in the world. Some more then you...the best thing to do is look and reflect on what happened then move on. I know its not something that happens in a instant depending on the connection you had with them but in the long run they chose to find somebody else unless you yourself did something wrong to them to make them want to go that was their choice from the beginning. Previous commenters are right having those friends will help you get through with it.
The first girl acted very clingy with me and constantly talked about how much she loved me (which she obviously didn't) and fantasizing about us getting married. The second one told me at the beginning that she wanted to take things slowly, and after she cheated on me she said it was because she felt that things just fizzled out between us (an issue she never brought up while we were together). The reason I feel like it's my fault is that both times, everyone congratulated them for finding a perfect match and suddenly I was the villain if I called them out for cheating on me.
So she tried to pull the wool over your eyes then. Perhaps she was using you as second best until she got somebody else. Second one slightly more honest seemed to have trouble with communication more over each of these from what you stated so far dont seem to be your fault. As for people doing that this would be wrong on their part they feel that you were lesser and she needed somebody else. Are these people your friends or her friends? It sucks being in that position because you suffer the pain of losing somebody but people you know keep bringing it back up that she moved on with somebody else. You are not wrong though if what you need is reassurance, if they feel that you are wrong ask them specifically why they feel that you did something wrong. Listen to their answers then ask yourself are any of what they say true.
I've been cheated on several times but I'm a Spartan of love! I never give up and I never surrender!
What's worse is when a girl you knew who moves away tells you she loves you and gets you to move in (Her and her parents) and 2 weeks later she is fucking another guy...in the next room..so loudly you can hear even from downstairs. That's actually a long effed up story.
@vampire_neko NTR? Is that a true story or based off some hentai?
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