supernatural or unexplainable experience?

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
supernatural or unexplainable experience?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Is one of the things I'm most interested in, please tell me your experiences! If you don't want to talk about it publicly, then add me and PM me (send me a comment first letting me know)

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
supernatural or unexplainable experience?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
An old friend who had at the time recently passed away came to me in a dream. (I spoke to a psychic that indicated he's my soulmate very recently, basically she was doing a reading and I guess he decided to butt in and tell her he missed me. She asked, "Maybe he, she? Sounds like a guy but... looks..." which caused me to laugh after asking her about how he'd said it etc. She said he had more to say but didn't want to share with her, apparently it's private and he wants to talk to me directly.) I had been thinking of going to New York for a big event.
In my dream he and I decided to go to New York for New Year's Eve which is always a madhouse. I went on a ferry with him the day before the event, we watched the city from a distance, then I drove through all the traffic on the way back and he and I talked, then he held my hand while I drove with the other. He was dressed sharply as ever, which he said is because he doesn't get to see me often enough and wanted me to remember him for his fashionable image. I myself was dressed more VK than usual, and I wore a faux fur coat cause New York is cold as hell in the winter especially to a girl from SoCal.
We went to our room which was actually a nice loft he decided to rent, then the dream faded as I awoke it felt very real with sensations of heat, cold, touch etc. My friend that interprets dreams and is very spiritual told me he sees it as my departed friend telling me he's with me. Anyway, because I am open to such things and I miss him a lot I'd like to think it was.

FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
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supernatural or unexplainable experience?
FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
i witnessed a REAL exorcism

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
supernatural or unexplainable experience?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
And?........(what happened???? )

Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
commented on
supernatural or unexplainable experience?
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
....... I have a lot of Deja vu.
I will know things before they happen.
Sometimes hours, days, months, or years before the event.
I have even been able to figure out people's passwords to things on a first try without having any knowledge of that person.
It's almost like a "knows everything" experience if that makes sense :/
I really do not understand how this works. It's like I don't have control over it.

FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
commented on
supernatural or unexplainable experience?
FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
no one died or anything. it was nothing like the movies. Although you could clearly hear the demon's voice at some point. You knew it wasn't a woman's voice ( a young lady with a baby was the victim and the demon threatened to kill the child)

gurutar @gurutar
commented on
supernatural or unexplainable experience?
gurutar @gurutar
i've never had a supernatural/paranormal experience, but i am really into the paranormal scene. i love paranormal investigation shows, Ghost Adventures is my favorite.

eldrid @eldrid
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supernatural or unexplainable experience?
eldrid @eldrid
I'm certain I had a poltergeist...

Joyishi Kouhei @icelord24
commented on
supernatural or unexplainable experience?
Joyishi Kouhei @icelord24
Before I begin my story I would like to mention that I have Autophobia. (The fear of being alone physically and mentally. For me this also causes hallucinations whenever I am alone.)
When I was at my dad's house visiting for the summer there was one day in which my dad and my step-mom had to go out do something. They left me alone in the house. after about 20 minutes I started to draw in the dining room which is right next to the hallway that leads to everyone's rooms. About maybe 2 - 3 minutes after drawing I start to hear bear-foot walking, so I look over in the hallway and I see... a creature that looked like it's skin was inside-out, it had 3 legs and 3 arms, but they were not in places you'd usually see them in, they were all over his body and I could hear bone cracks every time it moved a muscle, it's head looked like it was melting with his eyes slightly falling out of their sockets and it was slowly crawling it's way towards me. Then once it got to the end of the hallway it disappeared. To this day I still don't know if what I saw was real or if it was my hallucinations playing tricks on me, but it was the last time I ever saw it.
@gurutar I love ghost adventures. :D
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