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Males of this site you disappoint me

I stay active on this site. And I'm not a creeper. I have met up with 3 girls from this site and gone on a few dates with each of them. Except one who probably thought I was a creeper xD Though she is shy around everyone. But yeah I don't ask for peoples numbers and stuff right away. Plus all social sites will have those people.
I'd say that only the vast minority of guys on these sites are actual creepers. However, many of the types of guys here don't know the first thing about creating attraction or demonstrating their worth. I'm a guy and I often offer advice to other guys on how you should and shouldn't talk to a girl. I'm no pick-up artist either. Asking for an email/im early on will likely put a guy into further negative territory. It displays neediness and will lower your "value" further. The ladies might not admit it but you're already in negative territory by resorting to a dating site because it shows that you may not have a real social Value. It doesn't matter what her social value is either. Because a high value of a guy = good looks on a girl. That's the way it is. So here's the numbers: Being on a dating site:............................. -10 points Asking for email/ being very eager to talk to her... -10 points Total score......................................... Negative 20 Coupling that with the fact that males make up the majority on dating sites, you need to be a cut above the rest! Just try and project the image that YOU are the prize, not her. Looks like I rambled. Heh.
lol i like this site :P and creepys my kind of guy ^^
I guess it couldn't be help since this site is full of otaku That at some point are waiting for some anime like thing to happen And change their cycle of life somehow
I'm not creepy at all, I'm cool and awesome *long creepy laugh*
This whole thing made me laugh. Ether obvious troll is kinda obvious or you haven't been actually talking to the right people on here. Given there will always be creepy dudes and even chicks everywhere but I think the majority of people on this site are nice good people who are just not as use to starting convos as others. I'm here to make friends first and for most. I generally started for the lols cuzz my friend pushed me to get on some dating sites cuzz I been single for a long time and I'm not really trying. I'm just being happy by my self but she got me to make a couple accounts and I figured if nothing else I'd get some laughs out of it. Though after being on here for the short time I have I've met a lot of nice fun people and even a couple I'm gunna hang with at fanime next year :D. So I'd say this site is still good for make nice new friends if anyone finds someone special through it thats great to ^_^.
Old thread is old! Moot point is moot. And finally, creeper men are nonexistent when you can get back at them in so many ways, both online and in real life.
we should be able to close threads started over a year ago.
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