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I don't want a gf ... ?

Uh so ye. Since i was here just for fun and then saw this forum I suggested I could just describe m rl problem since this is the interent and I'm a unicorn... So ye : There's this thing with me and social life. I believe I don't rlly like it. I do have rl friends and I do meett them once in a while. but tbh. Those meetings don't make me happier than the Internet, like watchin Anime and stuff (gehehe). Now the problem : I'm not sure if I want a gf. I mean. I guess body contact is fun (lol) but is it worth losing time, caring for somebody else than you or compromising with other stuff like people anime etc. ? Its not like I can just get a GF the next day but I believe I could get one if needed. So can anybody solve my pubertal problem ? Maybe telling from same experience if a GF is worth "wasting" time ? Isn't is uncomfortable to act a bit like ... "gentlier" all the time bcs a girl is near and all taht stuff. I think I know im being very vague here but i just don't know how to put it better Thanks for your help in advance and dont be a dick ~~ EDIT: Oh btw I love having Internetfriends so ehhh. Hey :D (Advertising for friends ~~)
I am kind of in the same boat. I have friends but, don't derive enjoyment from meeting them out. Rather, I prefer conversing with them. Something about being able to explore thoughts as opposed to distractions. When a person comes into your life that you care for time isn't a question or if they are a waste. You will simply be driven to want to fully embrace them. Beyond body contact (hue) Relationships are only a waste if you needlessly throw yourself into relationships for the reason of sort of enjoying a person. Love isn't a waste. Trying to impose something upon yourself no matter what is a waste. Take your time. Also hello. Friendship is ballin'. I would enjoy some friendship
The benefit is having that one friend you can truly confide in and you're there for someone besides yourself. You don't have to be "gentler", women are just as human as you. It's just nice having that comfort of caring about and being cared for by another on a more intimate level than just as a friend. It's never a waste of time unless you're looking strictly for personal gain, it is a RELATionship after all. Sure internet friends are fine, but at the end of the day a living, warm body beats an electronic persona. Really though, if you're comfortable the way you are, why worry?
So I'll just wait for the "right person" ? but how do I know ? I like many people and I could imagine spending much time with them. But idk if it's love or not. And there's even a specific case where one of my friends asked me out and rejected her bcs I think I feel more comfortable with just being friends. But I wasnt sure... I just realized i kinda lost my mindprocess @yaasshat The thing is, Its in my personality to be "gentler" to people whenever they are around me. and im not trying to see them as something better, tho sometimes I still do. But you're right about the timewasting, I guess... Tho I have to say i dont really mind the "body contact". Would be just a nice addition ^^ I thik I'm thinkin about this little problem bcs people around me are all talking about it and it makes me feel uncomfortable and I feel like I'm missing sth (Oh Jesus. Puberty...)
No...oh Jesus, you're human.:)
"Shocking Truth" *Chaika's Shocking truth face* ... I hope u get the joke xD
Well when you are with a girl that you like, you wont think of it as wasting time. Do your friends have the same interests as you? If they dont then I see what the problem is. Have fun with your friends, go out to eat, go to the movies, fight them, watch anime with them, play games, theres no reason why you cant have both.
People by nature are social creatures - we thrive by being in relationships with others. Now you stated that meeting with your real world friends doesn't have you derive more of what you equate to happiness as opposed to other less intimate interactions, i.e. just hanging out around the internet. It does make me curious to know how you'd personally define a friend, as well as what sort of activities you guys do together. Some people just hang out with others because they feel they have limited options, which unfortunately can lead to their emotional needs not being met. If that's the case then it could be the reason why you are unable to derive as much enjoyment with your 'friends' as opposed to doing things on the internet, where you may in fact be pursuing things that interest you more and give you more satisfaction. I hope that makes some semblance of sense. To offer up an idea - focus on interacting with people who share interests in what you're most passionate about and see how you feel about spending time with them in that instance. I apologize for my long-winded statement lol.
For some reason my message didnt send. And since I dont remember and it was much, I dont feel like writing once again. But in short. Actually you might be right. Your detailed statement helped me to see my situation in a different perspective so I'm very grateful I will try out being more "internet-like" in real life and hope it makes me more comfortable Thanks a lot for taking your time about my problem @mr_ambig and @Jean Rivera
No problem. I'm sort of doing the same right now. Since I love Anime and such, I'm finally taking the time to find people who share interests with that part of me. Hope you things get better for you Shy.
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