What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
The Sandlot; hands down, shortly followed by Hook :D What movies did you grow up loving?
Yu @metaljester
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
Yu @metaljester
Too many to count let me start off with a few though
Small Soldiers
Toy Story
Monster Inc
The little Mermaid
Are some of mine.
徐々に @jojoni
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
徐々に @jojoni
Namani @namaniiamani
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
Namani @namaniiamani
Lion King
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Goofy Movie
The Little Mermaid
Beauty and the Beast
Nightmare Before Christmas
Edward Scissor Hands
I also was pretty fond of not-so-child-friendly movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Night of the Living Dead...
I forgot Beetlejuice!!! One of my favorites! I always wanted to be like Lydia. lol
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
exploudersuplex @exploudersuplex
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
exploudersuplex @exploudersuplex
Monster's Inc
Toy Story (1 and 2)
Pokemon The First Movie
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
Seems this group is a pretty eclectic bunch when it comes to movies.
Arc @arc
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
Arc @arc
Mine is the Sandlot too. I must have watched that movie a million times back in the day.
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
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What's your Favorite Childhood Film?
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
You're killing me Smalls! I say that almost every other day.
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