
ConsNSG @consnsg
ConsNSG @consnsg
Anyone else here play osu!?
It's a rhythm game that is pretty addicting. It's hard for new comers and everyone says "they suck" but if you learn to play this game, it feels very rewarding once you beat a song you couldn't before.
There are also a wide selection of beatmaps available, many of them being japanese songs and anime openings, and you can make your own if you'd like.
There are 4 different gamemodes - osu!, osu!mania, Catch the Beat, and Taiko

toe @toe
commented on
toe @toe
I'm actually a pro Osu player currently ranked 4th worldwide.

ConsNSG @consnsg
commented on
ConsNSG @consnsg
in what game mode?
I don't see anyone ranked #4 from the US

toe @toe
commented on
toe @toe
I was being sarcastic, I'm sorry man.

iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
commented on
iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
I like osu!, but my mouse skills aren't anywhere near good enough. I'm more of a DJ Max guy.

Bakagami @bakagami
commented on
Bakagami @bakagami
Osu is pretty damn awesome c: !!
I play it.. WAAAY tooo often.
Which maps do you play often? Or which game mode?
What level are you?
Sorry for all the questions c: thehe, ^^

xueli @xueli
commented on
xueli @xueli
Every time I see this thread title, I always think it's about osu! tatakae! ouendan! and it never is :(

ConsNSG @consnsg
commented on
ConsNSG @consnsg
I am usually playing the original osu! game mode, and enjoy playing most of the songs related to anime, as well as nightcore songs. There are still a lot of other maps I enjoy though.
Feel free to add me :o

ConsNSG @consnsg
commented on
ConsNSG @consnsg
Eh it seems like I accidently double posted, sorry about that, sometimes my mouse acts up and double clicks.

AfterWind @afterwind
commented on
AfterWind @afterwind
Wow, I'm really late to the discussion xD
I've been playing osu lately but haven't had the occasion to play it online too much, at least not with people with the same interests... Here's my user page: https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2086138
Add me as friend and send me a message or something so that we can play online :D
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