Anyone Interested ?

ryan1555 @ryan1555
Anyone Interested ?
ryan1555 @ryan1555
I was just wondering if any woman here is interested in me ^_^ if so please send me a friend request

Buji @buji
commented on
Anyone Interested ?
Buji @buji
I actually haven't seen you much around, are you relatively new?
If so, I have a few things to say, and not trying to be mean about it or anything.
1. It's better to message someone YOU are interested in, asking the way you are, in my opinion, makes you seem desperate, and will accept any vag that comes your way.
2. If you are new, you should post around a bit more, nobody is going to be interested in someone who they don't get a glimpse of their personality really.
3. Once again, if you are new, and are looking for someone, tell a bit more about yourself. Check out Yu's topic <a href="">HERE</a>

Buji @buji
commented on
Anyone Interested ?
Buji @buji
Also, I looked at your profile and info a bit, you're still pretty young and have other things to worry about before relationships (school and such)
This may sound mean as well, but I'm not intending it to be, so I apologize if anything I say offends or upsets you.
I'm sorry to hear about the 6 girlfriends cheating on you thing, however, you said they only lasted 3 days at most, so maybe:
1. You have a bad habit of choosing the wrong people?
2. It could be you? Take a few minutes to think WHY they cheated on you. You say anime is your life, so maybe they found you to be too childish, or boring (I've been in that situation). Do you consider yourself a dependable guy for a relationship?
3. In my opinion, again, not to be mean, due to the past relationship failures, it seems like you want someone simply for the sake of having someone now, to make up for not doing so hot before. I've been there as well, don't take that path.
Take your time to get to know people YOU want to get to know, think about how you want the relationship to be and how you'll make it work, think about your future goals and how that will affect your relationship or how the relationship will affect your goals.
Make sure what you feel towards someone is genuine, not just simple lust. And if things work out and you get someone you like, talk to them about the relationship and discuss how you'll both make it work, you both gotta contribute evenly (even if the guy has to do more stuff, equal rights, am I right?)
Anyways, those are just my opinions and such
So you can ignore them or think about what I (and anyone else) says and help you make decisions.
<font color="purple">Also, you should take off your text number under your info, give that out to people you trust</font>

ryan1555 @ryan1555
commented on
Anyone Interested ?
ryan1555 @ryan1555
I've been here for a few months :( and I'm sorry I think you have the wrong impression of me . I only asked this because I don't want to waste my time on people who don't like me . What I am looking for is a soul mate , the one so to speak . So I am not just looking for a gf just to have one . and I'm almost 17 O.o how is that young . And with school . I'm doing great with school so I can manage things between my love life and school -_- so I really don't need this lecture

Buji @buji
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Anyone Interested ?
Buji @buji
Ah, just haven't really seen you around much.
But my first bullet still stands: You asking someone else.
I consider 17 young still, though I'm only about 5 years older than you, but I digress.
The school thing, if you get into an online relationship, you may (or may not, who knows) end up getting distracted a lot, wanting to be with the person more than a close relationship, feel a bit more insecure with the relationship since you can't be for them physically, etc. If it's someone in a much further timezone, you may end up sleep deprived, staying up late to be with them, etc.
I'm not saying it's you personally, or at least not trying to. A lot of the stuff I said is coming from past relationships I've been in and seen from people around me, be it family, friends, co workers, or just acquaintances.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone Interested ?
Yu @metaljester
Buji has some very valid points it pays to look at things from a different angle and see if that is what you really want. I will not say anything myself here since he covered pretty much everything but buji is offering good advice here. At least consider what he is saying it may help you later on.

ryan1555 @ryan1555
commented on
Anyone Interested ?
ryan1555 @ryan1555
I see your concern but idk if you know this tho but this isn't my first rodeo . Lol the time zone yeah that's a killer , but normally I just leave emails and they respond when they can . But anyways thanks for the wisdom . Sorry if I sounded ignorant when I said I don't need a lecture . Hope we can be friends . I looked at your profile ... 600 anime's woah . I've only seen 52

Buji @buji
commented on
Anyone Interested ?
Buji @buji
Yeah lol. And like I said earlier, sorry if I came off as rude, just offering my opinions and thoughts.
And yeah we can be friends.
And yeah...I spend too much time watching anime lol
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