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Is weight an issue?

Jul 27, 14 at 10:29pm
Not too fat, not too skinny.
Jul 30, 14 at 10:49pm
I go for girls shorter and lighter than me. I can't hold a girl to a standard I don't hold myself.
Jul 31, 14 at 12:48am
I love a guy that is chubby I dont mind if they are a little skinny then me but I dont want a guy thats super skinny I just feel more attracted to chubby guys they sre hotter ;)
Jul 31, 14 at 9:14am
I hate any kind of shaming behavior because I don't really believe it's anyone's business why a person is shaped the way they are. In terms of my own personal attraction, I'm not too terribly attracted to obese men or incredibly skinny men. I'm pretty much in that mid range hahaha. But that's just my personal attraction factor. I don't hold people to a standard and I don't believe in judging people on it because there's a lot of factors that can explain the size of someone and it's not my business what those factors are for a certain person. That's between that person, their loved ones, and their healthcare provider. Would I break up with someone because of weight? No because if you were out of that range that I personally prefer, that means you must have had other factors that overruled my attraction to a certain shape/size.
Idk I can't really say much here cause I'm fat or w/e unhealthy or w/e. Just kind of wish some people would look past the weight thing..And see the person inside past the fat and skin. Lul.
I guess I have a different view of what is fat since I see girls on here calling themselves fat so much. For example, I've known girls that were around 170-200lbs that I would not call fat, just curvy. Of course it depends on height and other factors. Even my ex who was 250lbs or so, I didn't consider particular fat. But I guess you have to try to be happy with yourself. I guess I understand because I feel fat if I get over 150lbs lol.
Yeah haha I see that often too..! WELL I AM FAT THOUGH. No sugar coating that. x.x; Your right about having to try to be happy with yourself though. No matter if someone wants you or not. You have to always love yourself no matter what. Big or small!
Jul 31, 14 at 8:46pm
Ya your right @vampire_neko im like over 200 and im kinda fat but im more curvy im starting to love my body it takes time
Jul 31, 14 at 8:47pm
Ya your right @vampire_neko im like over 200 and im kinda fat but im more curvy im starting to love my body it takes time
Aug 01, 14 at 1:49pm
personally for me.. doesn't have to be skinny or average, but has to have some level of fitness to be able to cycle a bit or something as it would just infuriate me day in day out otherwise.. no exercise what so ever = highly ugly to me =/ pretty much the same as saying you dont care at all about your bodies health..
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