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Anxiety and Fear

For how long? :p
Jun 06, 14 at 2:51pm
Until 2010 lol
Well it's not only about the crime and bad economy, the people is just like.. ugh Sure there's a lot of nice people and some smart ones but the general populace way of thinking is just mediocre and self destructive. Oh and Mexicali is boring as fuck
Jun 08, 14 at 1:53am
Lol yup it has to be boring but LA isn't that bad
I only hang out with positive people that can think critically. People are becoming mind controlled zombies that only feed off negativity...disassociation with those types of people prevent my anxiety and fear.
Jul 06, 14 at 11:06pm
My fear and anxiety don't kick in unless the first impression is important in my mind. If I don't think I'll ever see that person again it takes the edge off. And for me, the fear and anxiety don't end with first impressions. If the people I interact with are important to me, I'm constantly trying to maintain the image of myself that I want to project. But even if that image fails to come across, I keep trying to get it right. Just understand that this is a normal thing with everyone, it's just that some people try to mask their fear and anxiety through negative means like alcohol or making other people feel smaller. I personally respect the one's who keep trying despite the fear and anxiety. They learn and grow from their blunders as well as avoid making enemies.
My anxiety was so bad they gave me medication, welburen I recommend no one take that at all.... it gives you horrible hallucinations, they were so bad I wanted to commit suicide from them. Oddly enough after that order I looked toward other ways to cope with anxiety and the funniest thing is late night at college the janitor had trip and lost some of his items down the stairs, I picked them up and handed it to him. He saw I was anxiety and said" Don't think of me seeing you think of how you would be me seeing you" He was one of many Buddhist monks that worked at the college at night and I kept going to him asking him advice. What I learned and what I do know is just have fun don't care how people see you only care how you see you. So now I'll do fun crazy things like put soda can boxes on my legs and walk around like that.
I can only speak from my own personal experience but. What i did to overcome my anxiety is i started by saying "hi" to everyone. It was monotones but it really helped out a lot. I moved from there to spotting an observation and trying to talk to some one for 15-30 seconds at least 10 times a day (more approximates but its the overall idea that counts). When it comes right down to it the anxiety comes from a fear of failure or acceptance but what you have to remember is that it is just an encounter. Remember, you cant talk to that really attractive woman if you cant talk to every woman :) But most importantly, be open to failing every once and a while. Its ok. Just ignore the monkey chatter and drive on with those exercises and be patient. Look up David Wygant if you need further advice. Best of luck.
Learn to adopt to a new way of seeing things the IDGAF way. I know it may sound like a selfish way of seeing things and doing things but you'll notice that once you start stop giving a fuck you won't be so stressed and tense and have anxiety. Dont worry about how the qorld perceives you if they don't like you who cares? You don't have to stress yourself or strain yourself over trying to make a good impression and keep it like that, be yourself and don't give a fuck. If someone doesn't like you for being you then you don't need that type of person in your life anyway! Be free and be you and dont give any fucks!
Jul 10, 14 at 2:16am
Ah, right because not giving a Fuck truly shows consideration? We wouldn't want to show in the least that we value another's opinion, yet we want another to value ours...That makes sense...in a hypocritical sort of way. Ill advised advice up there... The better way is to just not worry as much, not to just not worry at all. There's a smart way to think and a half cocked way. We all deal with anxiety and fear in social situations, it's just that some have better coping mechanisms. Realise that no one has a real opinion beyond what you give them and most won't even care enough to form one. Sure people judge, but it's usually based off of what you present. Act confident and people will generally think you are even if you truly aren't. Unfortunately, a good chunk of people do judge a book by its cover and hence my point. I do however, realise that this is the superficial way to go about things, but at some point you kind of have to fake it until you make it. Fake that confidence, just say hi, talk about the weather or the blue sky and at some point you'll get so used to just conversing with random people that it'll just become second nature and that much easier to progress from there. Sure, you should be you, but you can't expect everyone else to conform to you. Find those like you with out shiting on everyone who doesn't agree with you.
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