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For the love of alk that is sane.

Apr 24, 14 at 10:37pm
That actually makes me feel better. Like for real. Thanks. See i didnt even think of any of this until now myself. Im normally intelligent enough to realize it. Just goes to show people can make stupid mistakes. (meaning even Sephiroth could have made a mistake) So im really glad you guys made this thread.
Apr 24, 14 at 10:38pm
lol, never change guys. Its great to know we can joke around and be decent people at the same time.
Apr 24, 14 at 10:38pm
GOD FUCKING DAMMIT JIKOKUN YOU'RE MAKING ME LOOK HOMOSEXUAL. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Lul.
Sigh. @jikokun Just go to "help" WHAT IS Mai OTAKU? "MaiOtaku is a fan made website for anime fans, mixing both a SOCIAL network and a dating website. Some users come here just to make FRIENDS, while others are looking for dates. With our cosplay picture galleries, profiles, comments, and messages we think we are a great place to make FRIENDS, and our matching program makes us a great place to find Otaku that might be interested in a relationship." "I FOUND SOMEONEHOW TO I DELETE MY ACCOUNT?" "While we encourage you to keep your account and continue making FRIENDS (since it's NOT entirely about dating), you can easily remove all your personal information from your account by yourself. You can delete all your pictures, remove your name and info, etc. You can also click "Account" and use the "Deactivate" link from there" ... yup, straight from the donkeys mouth. Look i know mai otaku is for dating and can be and flashy flashy looks like one but the fact is its not. And while i sympathize with you about the aspect teens shouldnt be on here i just cant agree with that arguement because you're wrong... It says so. Nothing to do with your cause. Go ahead i feel you have a noble reason. I just cant agree with that aspect of the arguement.
Apr 24, 14 at 10:54pm
See that's exactly why i say to get Sephiroth's attention. Even though the site itself says those words maybe he didn't predict the danger (of making it a combined site) or it didn't come to mind. Either way, it has to be brought to his attention. Either to: end the debate, make him make a decision, show him that there's a legitimate risk, have him address concerns. But number 1 thing? Even if the site says it, we need word of god/admin to kill all traces of ambiguity. And let me tell you, even if some of you are sure of what this sites real or effective purpose is, there are still many who don't know, as evidenced by the once in a while thread asking what this site is. And As evidenced by the fact that THIS DEBATE EXISTS <not yelling im using caps for emphasis. That and sick evil fucks can use the ambiguity as a cover to do whatever.
Never looking at Shin the same ever again. -Disturbed- LMAO
Apr 24, 14 at 10:58pm
So regardless of your stance on the matter, I encourage all of you to go and seek out Sephiroth go and ask him and poke him even if only to end all this (for those of you watching that don't care or that are annoyed).
When the front page promotes it as a dating site, I would have to assume 90% of the people are going to think its a dating site and not even bother looking at the help section. Heck, I didnt even know there was a help section.
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