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For the love of alk that is sane.

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Apr 24, 14 at 7:13pm
This site lacks structure and order, i'm sick of that fact.
I think I need to to go into more about what I said earlier regarding underaged dating. When I stated that I did not like it I did mean that only because of what bad can happen to both parties involved. However at the same time do I as a person have any right to take away what they want even if I deem it illogical in the sense. This question cannot just be answered one way it must be answered multiple ways. I think there may be a solution here though instead of forcing people to not date underage we should look out for those who do date like that on this site. In the sense that we provide clean threads that discuss the potential problems of underage dating. Allowing the people dating to see if they actually truly care about that person but at the same time giving them freedom of choice to do so. This is my opinion sure its weak and definitely not as effective at reducing problems with it compared to forcing restrictions but it offers freedom of choice and at the same time some form of help for that kind of thing.
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Well I met to say that MLP Was kind of created aiming for the young girls group but nothing is wrong if boys or males like it..What ever age they are..So OKAY I guess your right MLP = everyone.. But you can't denie the fact it was kind of aimed for little girls..Doesn't mean it HAS TO BE. It is a show for everyone just saying the elements used in it seem like it was aimed for young girls but I agree it is a show for everyone. Every show is for all age groups. If a little boy or grown man likes it, There is no problem for it. And yeah I know that story also about the little girl that tried to kill herself because people made fun of her for like DBZ...x.x; Lol.. Like I said shows are for everyone..
I Agree with Meta 100% This is probably what we should do, So we don't scare or make them feel unwanted or anything. Kids and teens are very sensitive..We shouldn't make them feel unwanted. Like we just want them out of Mai Otaku, We should approach this in a more calmer manner a more supportive manner. Let them know that we aren't here just to kick them out of a site they feel comfortable in, That if they feel harassed or something that they can depend on us and we can help them. We have to be more supportive not be more un-supportive of them..They do have a right to be here just like you and I do. At least I really do think so.
I think I agree with that statement. @meta @stella Just acting like nobody wants a bunch of kids isnt very kind. Though i feel torn cause i really don't know whats right anymore. Obviously both teams feel strongly about this. I honestly didnt know it was such a big deal here. @jikokun i have neices and to be completely honest if they were on a dating site I'd be concerned. Though still i got nothing to actually resolve this. So what can we even do about it? You guys talk about ideas but... we still have no say in how this website is operated. If we want to do this right we should all agree on something and sign something or support one cause. Fighting does nothing. Only if we all agree on something do I think its gonna change something. (Underage dating signs?) Idk. But Stellas right, people should be given support and not the boot. Just conflicted. -_-;; think i might just forget it.
Apr 24, 14 at 9:27pm
The fact you guys have argued about this for so long brings up a good point. No matter what the outcome something has to be done. A line has to be drawn and a distinction has to be made somewhere. Someone with a higher power has to choose for us: is this a social site or dating site. Its not up to any of us to decide how the site should be except for Sephiroth (the owner and admin of this site). No matter how objectively right or wrong either argument is. THEREFORE. Someone who knows him, tell him. Tell him right now. Everybody who cares find his profile and post this thread on his wall. Hell post this thread in the site suggestions sub forum. We have to let him know.
Apr 24, 14 at 9:32pm
I just messaged him myself just now. (it should send him an email that someone messaged him) If you guys really care about this issue, you owe it to yourselves to go and message him too. Go. Go and get his attention. Ill even make it easy for you, ill post his profile link here: http://www.maiotaku.com/p/lordsephiroth
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