SAO >.<

lenamurlok97 @lenamurlok97
SAO >.<
lenamurlok97 @lenamurlok97
Who has ever watched it?? >.<

brandon87 @brandonmckinney1987
commented on
SAO >.<
brandon87 @brandonmckinney1987
Working on it right now, at episode 21 so far.

lenamurlok97 @lenamurlok97
commented on
SAO >.<
lenamurlok97 @lenamurlok97
Its cool, yea?? I really like it.

brandon87 @brandonmckinney1987
commented on
SAO >.<
brandon87 @brandonmckinney1987
Yea, it's a really good one, makes me wish it was possible to play virtual mmo's that realistic.

Zackattack @zackattack
commented on
SAO >.<
Zackattack @zackattack
I've watched it all about 3 times, its my all time favorite anime so far ^^

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
SAO >.<
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
lol, speak of the devil my friend actually marathon the whole anime yesterday, he just kept texting me soo much about how the show gave him the feels when kirito could never get asuna

. @saita
commented on
SAO >.<
. @saita
I'm pretty sure most MaiOtaku users have seen SAO, whether they liked it or not.
All the extreme hype over it a while back, convinced so many people to watch it. Lol. That and people here seem to like the popular stuff.
I myself have also seen it, I liked it, but it had a lot of flaws.

sugoiheichou @sugoiheichou
commented on
SAO >.<
sugoiheichou @sugoiheichou
me!! :3

leigh22 @leigh22
commented on
SAO >.<
leigh22 @leigh22
I really liked it up until Yui came in to it I thought it went a bit down after that but I still liked it

Yu @metaljester
commented on
SAO >.<
Yu @metaljester
I liked it myself although I cant decide if its favorite. I usually dont go by the popularity myself I go by if it interest me regardless of if its mainstream or not.
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