Elsword or GC

KawaiiMewMaker @xxritsu_chanxx
Elsword or GC
KawaiiMewMaker @xxritsu_chanxx
I was just curious if anyone played Elsword or the now relaunched Grand chase? :o

jinkusu @yanderelolita
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Elsword or GC
jinkusu @yanderelolita
I play Elsword but on a bit of hiatus from it but i still love it.

Buji @buji
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Elsword or GC
Buji @buji
I play both, elsword however not much, waiting for more updates, so i'm on break
Gc ign: Buji
Elsword igns: LittleDashie, Buji, BountySoft
I'm the leader of the "Lolicon" guilds on both

KawaiiMewMaker @xxritsu_chanxx
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Elsword or GC
KawaiiMewMaker @xxritsu_chanxx
Like that level are you, and what more content are you waiting for cause the only thing we don't have yet is Add and Eredea island and such

Buji @buji
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Elsword or GC
Buji @buji
I'm pretty sure my Aisha is capped, my Eve is almost capped, and my other Aisha is almost there
for GC: My Ley is 79, Arme 78, Amy 70, Ronan 56 or something, and everyone else is lower
As for content, it's just that NA Elsword takes SOOO long to release anything, they always do lame events that not really many people even care about or stick around for, so like, once you cap and everything, there's literally nothing to do
GC has season 5 coming out soon (kinda unfortunately but oh well, some good stuff some bad stuff in it)
So that'll keep me occupied for a while, if not I may just play Smite a bit

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Elsword or GC
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
I play both
GC: Jin 76, Ryan 76, Mari 78, Lire 78, Rin 70, Seig 70, Amy 70, everyone else is mid 60-high 50
I'm on and off on elsword IGN: MyTDevil(Ara), MyTFlame(Elesis), DemonNemesis(Eve)
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