Tears to Tiara

allaron @allaron
Tears to Tiara
allaron @allaron
Has anyone seen this anime? I found it on the anime network(on demand) and thought it was pretty decent but was unable to find it in a search of the database

1337 @the1337
commented on
Tears to Tiara
1337 @the1337
yeah theres some missin database in website, i was lookin for slam dunk too :(

allaron @allaron
commented on
Tears to Tiara
allaron @allaron
Yeah but I'm sure we can let the devs know and they can add the ones that are missing(I'm sure there's a bunch that just arnt that popular(I.e. only a handful of people like)

commented on
Tears to Tiara
I remember the first time I knew about this anime was because Suara did a live performance on 2009 singing the opening Free and Dream where she absolutely dominated the song, pretty good series overall, nothing too outstanding about it but nothing too weak either
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