Tell us an intresting fact about yourself

topkun @topkun
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
topkun @topkun
I have simian palms. Apparently it's a rare thing. And since people are talking about near death experiences, I'll share a memorable one.
I lived in an apartment complex with my family on the top floor (there was like, 4 floors). I was eating a sub walking down the stairs and I suddenly choked on a piece of bologna. So I was trying to walk down the stairs choking on my sub, trying not to fall down. I laughed at myself afterwards.

Wonderlust @sica
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
Wonderlust @sica
Me, a high school drop out, Got paid to drop off cute pets to varies places Paris, Amsterdam, Vancouver etc.
But If I could go back in time, I'd finish school. Yup.
Younger me:
d:) Boo! Yew suk!

SomeScottishDude @cptcrustybutt
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
SomeScottishDude @cptcrustybutt
Nothing interesting has really happened in my life. So the most interesting thing I have done in my years was the 3 years I did volunteer work at a radio station. I presented a Saturday morning show along with 2 others for the 3 years I was there.

hai @haikadee
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
hai @haikadee
At different times/ages teachers always told me i would pretty much ammount to nothing.
it made me bitter, and distrustful of teachers in general.
Still going with my studies thou

incomplete_concept @incomplete_concept
commented on
Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
incomplete_concept @incomplete_concept
umm I had a gf in kindergarten her name was erin. I stole the class pet which was an albino hedgehog. I some kid heard it making cute little sounds in my backpack on the bus and put 2 and 2 together. the next day the kid tried to blackmail me out of Erin, so i grabbed him by the hair and shoved his face in a pile of fire ants until he stopped squealing. I remember being ushered into the nurses office by two police and the kid looked like the elephant man. one of the police told me i was too brutal for for my own good, and said i should join the army when i was older. that was my first strike in kindergarten. i got kicked out of that school on my third. :p

luffysenpai @luffysenpai
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
luffysenpai @luffysenpai
Ummm let's see. I get very violent when it comes to food .At the age of 12 there was a time when my aunt made food for everyone except me, I was so mad I threw a knife at her and landed on her left foot XD I got the beating of a lifetime but hey look at the bright side, she learned her lesson.

stickmichael @stickmichael
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
stickmichael @stickmichael
I found out I am a mutant from my doctor, but I did not get a cool mutant power. I got the power of lactose intolerance development in adulthood. lol

Nakama @jacob1
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
Nakama @jacob1
I can scratch my ear with my foot.

Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
I have good memory

Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
I practiced taekwon-do for a while, but had to quit due to migraines. :P
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