Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?

lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
I, along with many others out there are shy. We want to talk to people but simply lack the know how, the skills to come out and speak to someone we're interested in talking to.
So we need some tips from seasoned Veterans of the social world. Help us out.
Tips on approaching someone at social events.
Where to hang out if you want to meet someone.
General Tips on convo starting.
Anything you can divulge to help us. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun

Forneus @forneus
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
Forneus @forneus
I was an introvert just last week, because I realized that I'm f*****g awesome I just started talking to people saying hello and chatting. Also I have started a business lately and I'm also gaining interest in my products so no more introvert, shy, keep to self me. You need to motivate yourself with a really great argument, one that you can't sit there and say ....but.... more like ==>though bubble(I can't argue that point guess I'm just going to go annoy the hell out of everyone cause I'm just that awesome)

Arc @arc
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
Arc @arc
I'm really shy and introverted, so I have tried a lot of things to get out of my box, but everything I try is mentally exhausting.
What I settled on is drinking sake beforehand. Once I get tipsy conversation topics just start flowing naturally. There is a fine line though, because if I drink too much I just start having laughing fits.
Alcohol, if used carefully, can be a great friend when trying to connect with people.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
I still say xanex is next to godliness for shyness/anxiety

hanen @hanen
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
hanen @hanen
Ever heard the term, "Fake it, until you make it"? make a list of general questions, things that gets people talking. don't ask, "what do you like to do?" but more questions like, "what's you're favorite part about it?". To get along with people is easy. Find something you're both commonly interested in. Be as obscene as possible but not rude or offensive.
what really helped me was making questions and getting them involved in moving their lips, not their bodies towards the door. The more of your true self comes, the more they'll relax and know that they can joke with you in the same manner without feeling constraint.
Make them laugh, not the awkward laugh, and not through exaggerated body movements or acts(using sound effects... with your mouth). basically, don't become the clown

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
crack cocaine

Rain @rainx
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
Rain @rainx
Having a job where you interact with a lot of people like retail helped me a lot.

lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
Cecil I've done the retail thing and right now I still interact with people in almost the same way as retail, but I always attract folks that are way older than me. Older as in 40's to 50's range. I get numbers alright, but just not numbers for people my age.

lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
commented on
Anyone have Tips for talking to People if you're shy?
lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
Arc I have a high tolerance for alcohol like my father but unfortunately alcoholism runs in my family.
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