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Ladies:Ever have older men ask you out? does it scare you?

It happens to me a lot... :\ I get whistled at sometimes, and flirted with, quite frankly it makes me really uncomfortable.
The thing with age gaps in my opinion is the differences in life experiences, wants and needs. It seems to me that the younger you are, the bigger difference a gap in age can be. There's a big difference in a 13 year old and 17 year old dating (which I do not find appropriate or desirable) and 60 year old and 56 year old dating, but the two couples are each 4 years apart. I feel like into your late 20's (and earlier) you're still figuring your life out in much more drastic ways than you would be 30+ Once you've reached 30 you're probably done with your education (or at least, the foundation years obviously higher degrees are going take more time), have probably held onto the same job for some time and have a general idea of what direction you want your life to go in (settle down and have kids or prefer bachelorhood, for example).
Well as a guy, I don't understand the whole dating really younger girls. As a young adult now, I actually prefer to date older women. But I guess I'm just kooky like that! Seriously if older guys are whistling at you or being sickos, don't acknowledge them. They are pigs!
If a sicko like that tries catcalling me and his genitals are within arms length of me (too close btw), he will be rendered STERILE with my OWN BARE HANDS.
I'm not of age to drink and I never, ever will want to.
I've had it happen a couple of times in person even. Here's a funny story; I was 17 at the time and I went to the grocery store with my mom. There was an employee who was restocking diary products. As I was looking at the yogurt section he proceeded to make comments on how pretty I looked, and how I must be a great cook (because buying yogurt means you're great at cooking /sarcasm lol). Anywho I thanked him and he asked me for my number, I then told him I was 17. He had a disturbed look and things started to get awkward so I escaped to look for my mom. I usually tell them I'm not interested or just tell them I'm underage. These days I'm not sure if saying "I'm under age" would work though, considering I'm 19 now. Telling them politely you're not interested though seems to be enough.
The same thing has been happening to me, and yes I do find it a bit creepy because I'm not into guys 10-20 years older than me
I'm a guy, i'm 36 year old and i'm say that most of the girls i'm attract to are between 20 and 30 year old. I don't see my-self with someone of my age or older then me, because my heart and soul are the one of a guy of 20-24 year old so i feel young inside (but that don't mean that i'm a immature guy thou). At 36 year old, i did not live my first love yet too and i've even never kissed a girl so with a younger girl then me i would feel less scared and intimidated then a girl over 30 year old who probably had lot of boyfriends and too much love experience then me. So i think that depend how the ages of the heart connect with the other person and there the life/love experience factor too in that in dating someone older or younger then you.
um i got asked out by men twice my age, I just turn them down and say no :P I can take the complement but I have never been grossed out or creeped out. rawr <3
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