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Ladies:Ever have older men ask you out? does it scare you?

I don't want to know any old men that are older than, like, 27 or so. Because that's too old and too creepy looking and I'm not my own person yet.
What do you mean by I'm not my own person yet??
I'm not my own person yet because 1) I'm not legally able to do anything for the next five months without a permission slip or a guardian, and 2) I still depend on my parents for shelter, food, and everything else.
In the end its society that decides what we the public see as good or bad. Todays society is more open towards older men and younger women dating. but does not see eye to eye with gay marriage, or older women and younger men. society sucks/along with religion (sorry girls/and boys-but thats how it is) so in the end it all comes down to whether or not the two people involved are happy or not. personally, i dont give a cent, people have the right to do what they want, as long as BOTH parties are happy. still its kinda disturbing, an 18-25 year old girl with some 40+ guy, but thats just the way we are brought up p.s, im 22 yrs old and in college BLEERGH!!!
Well the first thing will go away once you turn 18 but not 100% percent because if youare living with somebody you always have to follow certain rules out of respect to that person. The second point it's hard because unless you have a good paying job ( which I doubt because a high school diploma gets you about 20 to 40 thousand a year ) or you get a schoolarship to some university and use the money they give you to buy things you want then it's pretty hard. I myself, I'm still in the nest attempted and move out at age 19 but crash and came back but yes even though I'm living with parents/guardian I still have some rules to follow but with a lot of freedom and I'm a 21 year old
Now barcaf I got nothing against relationships with age gaps or same sex if that's make them happy ok but gay marriage It's not the same as a real marriage because aside from religion gay couples would never be able to maintain the human race if they were left alone. Yes they can adopt kids but it's not the same. I'm just saying that it's not the same not that I'm against it
I have learned a lot in my 20 years on this planet. Stay in a 5 year age range given I'm 20 now I won't go lower then 18 anymore but over my age I think 25 is the limit and even then its a bit drastic as when you are 25 ish your probably out of college and have your life set up wanting to settle down have kids etc. (there are exceptions of course) I usually hope to find someone 19 to 21 preferably and 18 to 22 is usually my my limit in very extreme cases i'll go over 22 but it would have to be something that I had a extremely good feeling about.
I'm getting a good read from this. My bar moved, when I was in my lower 20's, yeah the 5 yr rule was pretty much what I had. You get in your 30's and it slowly creeps up to 10 years, meaning at 30, lowest I would normally date was 25, but by 39/40 lowest I would date was 30, at least with who I would ask out. I have gone out with a couple of woman who were 28, but they initiated, and I brought up the age difference as far as, yeah we might have this in common, but what else. But we went out. Now I am 43, 33 is about the limit I will ask out, unless I know them for awhile and we both have lots of interests together, and I think she might be interested. Will go out with lower, but they have to ask, and even then, I will still bring up the age difference, but it would definitely be a little interesting, but you never know.
When I was 15 there were guys in their late 20s/early 30s flirting with me .___. It creeped me out a lot.
Well it goes from guy to guy and also appereances. You may not noticed it but you might have look older than others, but If not then that's an issue
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