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Ladies:Ever have older men ask you out? does it scare you?

I've been the subject of attention from many of pedobear's allies before, in middle school. It weirded me out to the extreme and gave me problems later in high school because it happened in sixth/seventh grade with a substitute PE teacher. :( (He is now a registered sex offender.) Now that I'm more knowledgeable about legal threats, I understand that since I'm a minor, I should shun attention from older men because they will pretty much ruin me, and it's illegal to cross age boundaries sometimes. But I'm almost 18, so I'm going to try to live up to random Freudian theories about childhood experiences and their impact in adult lives. :D
i had older men hit on me too... i was in San Francisco 4 years ago... he had a creepy smile... I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST BEING FRIENDLY... /traumatized
Haha well I don't know if k3nsh1n is playing but it happen to me when I was younger about ten and well it does makes you uncomfortable
Also it depends on the person character and if they are easy to approach also if they are easy to approach and they dress in a revealing way then that too
But this is about creepy old men who have just one thing on their minds.
Well it's not wrong I seen a lot of couples with a big gap in age. Why would you write that. You just stated that every old man it's interested in young girls and I could bet that isn't true but there's a way to stop that just state your preference it might seem like you are picky but it will surely save you a lot of trouble.
Well, dear, sir, I implore you to slow down and re-read my last post! I clearly stated, without editing, that it is the "creepy"(and I quote) "old men who have just one thing on their minds". I've had the misfortune of interacting against my will with Creepy Old Men and it has nothing to do with any romantic impulses of my own decision.
Ok sorry if I misunderstood that but in this society every old man looks creepy infront of someone young
NO, NOT EVERYBODY! There are nice old men, too. Those are the guys with 53 things that want to cut in front of me in the 15 Items Or Less express line at the grocery. They're doing it for kicks, and I do not want to obstruct the lols that will occur with everyone behind me. xD Also, SANTA CLAUS.
^_^ alright then let's agree that some but not all until you truly get to know them
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