Hello World

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
Hello World
GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
Hey I just joined the site today in search for new friends and possibly a lover that shares my interests.
I am a 3D Modeler/Animator/Server Hoster as a job and hobby. If you love Dangan Ronpa we are officially best friends.
Other things about me
I horde Blue Eyes White Dragon cards(I have over 175) Literally if you've ever sold a blue eyes to someone from Kentucky on ebay odds are I might have bought it lol.
My favorite game systems are PSP, PS2, Nintendo 64, and my good ol Super Nintendo.
So yeah hi

. @saita
commented on
Hello World
. @saita
Hello and welcome! ^_^
I hope the Blue Eyes White Dragon thing was a joke because
We have a member by the same who's probably on the forum more than anyone and will probably notice this thread soon.
Always talking about how nobody loves a dragon like him Lul.
You two may just be perfect for each other. 8D
He's a fun guy and needs a new family to adopt him. :3

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
commented on
Hello World
GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
Actually it wasn't a joke I only duel with dragon cards and the blue eyes has always been my favorite x3. I'm bidding on some neat japanese blue eyes cards as we speak.
Thanks for the warm welcome :3

. @saita
commented on
Hello World
. @saita
I had a couple Japanese Blue Eyes like oh gosh, 11 years ago? Lol.
I miss playing with the actual cards SO much, but all of mine were stolen a long a time ago, and these days even Yu-Gi-Oh Online is gone.
Sometimes I wonder if I should start collecting again.
Always favored the dragons myself, that and spellcasters. 8D
Oh, and everyone here is really friendly just so you know. ^_^
I joined maybe half a week ago and i'm surprised at how fun everyone is.

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
commented on
Hello World
GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
Thats good to hear the only spellcaster I ever really used was the Dark Magician which was actually my first card given to me by a friend. I'm sorry to hear they were stolen something similar happened to me one year at a convention one of my roomates stole probably 300.00 worth of yugioh cards.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Hello World
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
I am more often online on this forum because I am bored at my job and I write all that stuff on my mobile phone. I also do push ups and stretching when my boss leaves the building. I really dont do anything at all. I wonder why I dont get fired. Maybe because my jokes are funny enough to keep me.
Oh yea... Hi.

. @saita
commented on
Hello World
. @saita
This is the start of a beautiful relationship.

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
commented on
Hello World
GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
For once I am not being called strange for hoarding blue eyes cards 8D This is awessomme

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Hello World
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
yea you are quite awesome Shinyumi. Our relationship shall be the strongest bond in this world.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Hello World
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Weird ? WEIRD ? Blue eyes is the best dragon ever. Seto kaiba is the most badass asshole character ever.
How is being Blue eyes white dragon fanatic ''weird '' ?
And also I prefer being weird over being a boring hipster fag with oversized pants and stupid baseballcap who listens to justin bieber and thinks that miley cyrus can dance
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