Martial arts freaks

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Martial arts freaks
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Yo just wondering if there are any ppl like me who dedicate most their free time on the way of the fighter or something :D

adam4472 @adam4472
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Martial arts freaks
adam4472 @adam4472
I used to study Krav Maga, but nowadays i study Iaido twice a week and have been keeping up a nice sword collecion. I recently acquired an authentic Japanese WWII Katana, i'm not gonna state how much money that set me back.
Also in my spare time i like too practice with my rifle on the local range.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Martial arts freaks
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
thats really nice dude. I own a very old japanese katana myself. I have no idea from what time period exactly it is but you can see by how used it is that it was indeed used in war. By its really high production quality you can tell its nothing made in a factory, but forged in classic manor.
I wish I could find out where its from and how much its worth lol

adam4472 @adam4472
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Martial arts freaks
adam4472 @adam4472
Well if it is pre-WWII then it is worth over 10k if it is a factory made WWII sword like mine your talking around $4000 for a good condition one.

✦ ♫ zansteel ♫ ✦ @zansteel
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Martial arts freaks
✦ ♫ zansteel ♫ ✦ @zansteel
The way of the epic :D hw you doing fist bump....I am that Fighta you speak of lol :D

nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
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Martial arts freaks
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
I was really into Taekwondo, but I had to stop when I left for college and I couldn't afford it anyway :(. Left with a red belt and I'd love to practice, but I really don't have a place to do it :(((.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Martial arts freaks
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
I am a man of taekwondo too !! :D

itsukiakiba @itsukiakiba
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Martial arts freaks
itsukiakiba @itsukiakiba
I learn mixed martial arts with my teacher. I learned a few boxing moves. and I can grapple but I'm not ready for ufc haha I just know that I can hold my own in a fight and girls and guys shouldn't mess with me.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Martial arts freaks
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Real good ! Keep practicing :D I Spent 2 years stratching my body to the max. No kidding it took 2 years but now I'm really flexible and all. New priority for me is getting huge muscle like the characters in street fighter xD In fact I already have a decent physique but its not quite the bowling ball size of ken masters or ryu

manga_man359 @manga_man359
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Martial arts freaks
manga_man359 @manga_man359
I study from a couple masters at the dojo there's quite a fyu masters at my dojo. Eny way the ones I study are jujitsu moytie kenpo karate o and weaponry . He scars my he throws stuff at me randomly
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