maiotaku poem #2
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
maiotaku poem #2
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
I cant remember my younger youth
I cant sleep n dream at night
My childhood is full of pain
I just wanna make that go away
Just like a Dog I live day to day
forgetting my past
focusing on my present
to preserve my future
my veins flow a stream of anger to my brain
the heart weeping to keep the demons at bay
all I think about is the fight in life
The only thing I want is love in this life
What does that feel like
I believe in the power of love
but I have been stripped away from that word
all the beatings I took
the life blood taken from me dripping on the floor
sometimes death seems more peaceful
and life just a nightmare
but it all comes down to the word
the Good Book
and my Lord
although my life has given me grief
I will stand strong and keep going
cause I know you have been watching me improve
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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maiotaku poem #2
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Still a better love story than twilight.
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
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maiotaku poem #2
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
*facepalms* I cant believe you insist on insulting my writing dont anyone know anything about respect and keeping certain comments to yourself listen buddy
That aint a love poem and dont compare my writing to vampires that sparkle like a fairy
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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maiotaku poem #2
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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maiotaku poem #2
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
No I had no itention of making fun of your poetry. I am just a really drunk dragon.
My mapologies friend. We are all Nakama and all and twilight is horrible. the movies i mean. real twilight at night is awesome
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
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maiotaku poem #2
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
Right on lol
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
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maiotaku poem #2
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
This poem in particular is about mostly of my youth how it was and how I came out to be basically if not for faith I would be criminal the only things that holds be away from that path is christ but at the same sense I am still trying to find my own and it also explains my out look on life
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