What started you on the life long journey of Otaku

haha386 @haha386
What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
haha386 @haha386
ok, s because im new n here.. what started it all for you? what anime intrigued you first? or was it a manga? for myself it was dragon ball, ronin warriors and sailor moon back when i was just a young grasshopper. i always find it interesting where we all started from.

Jared :P @immagnasher
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
Jared :P @immagnasher
Back when I was a kid it was all the great toonami hits but what got me there as an adult started with elfin lied

TaylorHime @taylorhime
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
TaylorHime @taylorhime
Disney XD. (That is not a emoji. literally.. X.D)
Anywho, I saw the first episode of Naruto when I was nine, back in 05. Became totally obsessed, and did research, found the genre was Anime, googled Anime, and BAM! thousands of titles waiting to be watched. My anime list now, is near two hundreds haha. Otaku power!

TlaLaz @tlalaz
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
TlaLaz @tlalaz
tl;dr I got into anime because of a girl
I used only really know Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon, but what really got me into anime was a girl I really liked in middle school.
One day in school she was reading a comic book and she was really into it. She corrected me and told me it was a manga and it was called Inuyasha. In an attempt to find common ground, I told her "I know that! I was just joking!"
After that, I watched Inuyasha (Champloo and FLCL) on Adult Swim since I couldn't get mangas easily where I lived. And the rest is history from there.
Things didn't work out between me and the girl and I was put off from anime and manga for awhile, but, needless to say, I bounced back.

Isaac Joule @isaacjoule
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
Isaac Joule @isaacjoule
I started watching Voltron reruns in the late 80s. That was my first real experience with anime, though I didn't really know it was anime. Throughout the 90s I saw bits and pieces of Sailor Moon and Pokemon.
Then in 2000 I saw Gundam Wing. So really, Voltron introduced me to anime. Gundam W reminded me where I was supposed to go in life.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
when I was a child , aliens captured me and forced me to watch anime. I then developed a deep hatred for sandwiches. I do not know why though. When They released me back on earth, I watched one piece on tv and I was like: ''Yo. Zoro is a badass'' and so, I started watching those japanese animation series that some people call their essence of life.

haha386 @haha386
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
haha386 @haha386
wow.. yea I remember when I saw Gundam Wing on toonami.. first time I saw it was.. I think at 1:00am when toonami started to re-run what was played from the 4pm-8pm..
I know we all have certain preference's when it comes to anime. some, everyone like.. others not so much.. what kind of anime do you have on your "To-Watch-List" I like to get ideas and opinions on some shows I haven't watched and to maybe find a gem I did not know about..
im pretty open when it comes to anime. if the story is good i'll watch it, no matter the genre

anothertsundere @anothertsundere
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
anothertsundere @anothertsundere
it was.....the library in my elementary school first it was school in first grade they had us go into one big room and we all crowed up and sat indian style on the floor and watched nothing but animated flim like the biggest hit was "The Swan Princess" for mme it was soo romantic as a child and "The Little Mermaid"...and one favorite CAPTAIN PLANET!!!!!!XD i would wake up early for scooby-doo kids where the entire gang look like chibis and barnes and noble i saw people all over the anime section got interest even more with all the animation and cartoons as a child and it grew bigger and bigger and instead of wanting bugs bunny and tom and jerry and all the silly cartoons like powerpuff girls which also got me into it and dexter labratory and secret squarriel two stupid dogs list goes on even a lil he man and thunder cats and space coast to coast lol :] it just grew into more realistic drawinng of the human body basically oh and WHO FRAME ROGER RABBIT REALLLLLY GOT ME INTO IT JESSICA RABBIT CHANGED MY LIFE BY BRING A CARTOON INTO A MORE HUMAN APPEALING AND LIKENESS like the rest but yeah the more human cartoons i saw the more i got into it i went from looney toons to anime

scittykatt @scittykatt
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What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
scittykatt @scittykatt
Toonami is all to blame. I was recovering from surgery as a child when I discovered Sailor Moon. I became addicted and watched all the other programs. Dragonball Z, Ronin Warriors, Reboot (if anyone remembers that!)and Tenchi. Now I get anime from internet, Adult Swim/Toonami.

haha386 @haha386
commented on
What started you on the life long journey of Otaku
haha386 @haha386
Reboot! i heard was getting a re-boot.. lol.. pun intended
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