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Health & Fitness New Years Resolution?

Well I guess my previous comment only applies to me then. I just noticed that I could train any part of my body with excercise I can do without any sort of extra equipment. But maybe for ppl who have very little time gym isnt so bad because its easier. Its just that I rarely even go to gym because I train everyday in the forest in the morning and then at home when I'm back from work and then I just dont feel the need to go to the gym. I rather spend my time with anime lol.
@Blue Eyes White Dragon: I kind of figured you were having fun but this is kind of serious man, you have to be careful what you say on here cause people may think you're being serious. @scittykatt So are you going to do a workout regimen or just diet well? Don't be afraid to strength train, women don't become super muscular and "mannish" from strength training, they just become sexier :P The women bodybuilders you see that could be passed off as men are on pro hormones and testosterone and a host of other crap. @ramensoup43 Great to hear you're back to it and congrats on your education accomplishments! And I'd still suggest that you do more strength training than cardio because it is much more effective at burning fat. And I agree on the cosplay, I think a serious cosplayer should portray the characters physical appearance and personality as much as possible. I've never cosplayed but would really like to and I've always wondered which character would fit best for my appearance.
Well Its impossible to tell when I'm serious and when not. Because I am that guys with the blue eyes white dragon profile pic. But heres a hunch: If it sounds so stupid and doesnt even make any sense to the point it hurts your brain and creates a paradoxon-hole in our dimension that consumes all matter in our galaxy as time passes, then I'm serious.
Well...that escalated quickly. So as long as you keep not being serious we can continue to exist and live our beautiful insignificant lives?
Only as long as the dark lord c'thulu keeps being successful as investment banker. Because if his career fails he might start returning to his old job as destroyer of earth and consume all of mankind. But as long as politicians will keep being corrupt and shove most taxes into the asses of banks, and we know that will always be the case, then we can live in peace.
I took up the challenge! Lost a total of 12lbs in January. I'm not sure how many inches I've lost but my tummy is for sure getting flatter. I go to the gym every other day and just do cardio, like the Treadmill and the bicycle thingy. I'm looking super sexy. XD
I need to lose 50+ pounds and gain muscle. My goal for this year is to get the ideal body, particularly so I can cosplay as Goku at Otakon 2014.
See I've got a problem of weighing too little. Not to mention I'm so scrawny it's unhealthy. 5'7 at a little less than 100lbs :\ I've decided to try and bulk up, get fit and get some muscle! I wanna be around 150lbs when I'm done with it and going with a healthy lifestyle to top it all off after it's said and done. The upkeep's going to be tedious but it's a goal - and a goal that I really want to stick with and work hard towards. :) Trying to keep up with a 2.5k calorie intake is a bit of a challenge for me atm, though. Oh, I do have a couple of questions I've never really seriously done this before but I do have a gym membership and I was wondering what kind of work out routine you guys normally go with and what kind of exercises you go about doing it? All I know of is like, bicep curls, and leg raises/crunches for the abs Zzz. But there's all sorts and you're supposed to target certain areas of the muscles each workout? Then there's sets and reps... But 'chea - so I know there's the infamous "leg day", and the chest and shoulders, but what other things are there and how do I go about exercising those areas? I'll go in with whatever weight and reps I'm comfortable with but yeah...those are the questions I have Q_Q;.
I bench hard about 260lb and I do 30 reps of that but basically do a lot of lifting and intake alot of protein and carbs cardio is good but that's ideal for losing weight and getting lean hope you understand what I said
Hmm, so what's your take on protein powder (and if it's a you should probably go out and buy some, then what brand should I go for?) Alright. I'll look into incorporating more protein and carbs into my diet instead of just looking to fill up for calories ahah :p Alright. So I'll do the whole dietary thing, basically lift (with what I'm comfortable with) as much as my body will allow and I know cardio is good for losing weight but I don't think I should be negligent of it even though I'm trying to accumulate mass. I think I got the just of what you said, though. Thanks! ^^
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