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Looking for New Relationships. [Feint of Heart, Beware!]

I came into this thread very late but its to damn long to read and she sounds like a self centered brat who puts herself above others proving thus she is just another plague on society whom was handed everything instead of earning it doesn't matter how she got to where she is in life just why bother with someone like her
Nooooooo at least share the chicken XShiroy.
Hmmmmmm, I guess I can do :3 First piece must be mine! Ahaha ;)
Nnnooo not the first piece *pulls out sword of ifrit* ill kill you
*Sneaks up behind Zero_Onimatsu and XShiroy while their fighting and takes the first piece of chicken.*
*The battle comes to a stop, both me and Zero turns to face Lala Chan, notice what she's done...* Attack!
*stares at the chicken* if I can't have the chicken then NO ONE CAN !!!!!! *uses ifrits sword to cast fire and try to burn the chicken to a crisp
I really tried to read the whole thing but then I smelled the scent of chicken and got distracted
Pretty sure this is all that's going through LaLa Chan's head right now haha <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=jzz4mf" target="_blank"><img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/jzz4mf.jpg" border="0" alt=""></a>
I read the whole thing, I'm a law-student so I like reading things. (So I guess I'm a lawfag, right?) This thread is obviously a troll post, it's such obvious troll bait it's not even funny. I have several rebuttals for the logic of the angelaria's post, but I'm going to keep those to myself for everybody's sake. I would however like to discuss the logical fallacy behind calling the majority of anime fans "spoiled brats." I find it funny you use this term when you've acquired everything you own because of your father's inheritance. We're the same age and I have self-taught myself three different programming languages and work about eight hours every day as a Website Developer while juggling college and I can't even afford my own house. ._. I know friends of mine in the anime community that struggle on a day to day basis on minimum wage jobs, some of which are living on their own and are supporting themselves by busting tables for 12 hours straight. One of my closest friends absolutely loves anime, guess what he's doing? United States Airborne, he's jumping out of planes with an assault rifle while you sit at home and wave around your inheritance money. Imagine that? Meanwhile you have the audacity to go out and make such erroneous claims on the majority of a community you don't even understand. Also, give me some of dat fried chicken pls.
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