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So I thought I was talking to adults but clearly I was talking to a snot nose brat with his head up his ass but since you don't know how to talk let me stoop down to your language level shut the fuck up and get a life
didn't I tell you to sit at the kiddy table, fail ninja? Children should be seen, not heard. Speak only when spoken to, mongrel.
Dec 17, 13 at 3:54pm
Man...Kichigai why are you so overly abrasive to people? I understand why with Michael...that guy kinda deserves it, but it seems like you're like this to everyone on this site. Not exactly the way to make friends, unless your intention is to burn as many bridges as possible, then you're doing a wonderful job of it.
kidpool @kidpool commented on Pathetic
Dec 17, 13 at 3:55pm
-grabs popcorn-
kidpool @kidpool commented on Pathetic
Dec 17, 13 at 4:10pm
-gets blankie and hot chocolate-
-grabs his pillow pet and sour gummy bears-
Dec 17, 13 at 4:18pm
Tf lol o.o
-grabs crisg987 and enjoys the show with him while they share hot Cheetos-
@Karasu I'm abrasive because not enough people are. A lot of people tip-toe around people's feelings as if people are such frail creatures. I have no reason to hold my tongue. Especially to someone who instigates a confrontation with me. Take your friend 0 for example. This thread is was intended to give people, men especially in this forum, a wake up call. To grab hold of their manhood and be more assertive. If you and 0 actually read the comments you'd understand that. Then, out of nowhere, a wild 0 appears and tells us all to calm down. dafuq? Besides Michael, everyone in this thread is mature & engaging in adult conversation. 0 obviously isn't mature enough to handle it and so I responded to his immature post. And I'l say this to you or anyone else who isn't mature enough for this thread. Get out. 0 had options. He could've not responded and kept it moving. He could've not told me to shut the fuck up and get a life, he could've not went to your page, crying cause I called him a mongrel. asking you for help. As do I have options. I didn't have to respond to his redundant post. I didn't have to poke fun at him looking like the failed ninja. I didn't have to respond to his vulgar post at all. But I did. Everyone is making choices. Is it the best choice? that has yet to be seen. But out of the most recent choices made by all parties, the only one that seems butthurt is your mongrel friend 0. At least he did what he was told to do and got an adult to speak for him since he's obviously not that mature yet. But to answer your initial question, I'm abrasive because I want to be. I don't have to be sensitive to your feelings nor his. I don't want to. I will continue to be respectful and cordial, but I will not handle your feelings with care. I will be the hammer that will crush your feelings, and do so with a smile. I could care less if I burn bridges with people I don't know. That's like me feeling joy because someone gave birth to a new baby boy, or someone just got married, or someone died or whatever. Not saying that birth, marriage or death is something to joke about, but if I have never heard of you before in my life, why would I care now? Especially if you come at me swinging? If anything, I care less about you than a complete stranger. I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
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