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kidpool @kidpool commented on Pathetic
Dec 17, 13 at 12:59pm
Micheal Asuming I came from 4chan. Based on ... actually nothing. I dont. pathetic, seems you like pulling bullshit out of your ass. How about I'll make up stuff about you: Your mom is a prostitute... I say that based on NOTHING. ps. If I did came from 4chan I wouldnt go back because an idiot like you told me to. Im not your bitch, kthnx
Dec 17, 13 at 1:11pm
top kek
Scourers? actually, you can thank Kidpool for the source. When I realized it was you, Michael, that cursed my page with your words, I was choking upon laughter. Like, I couldn't believe THIS person had the audacity to say a god damn thing. And I noticed something, you don't defend nor deny it, so yeah, you, Michael, of all the people in this forum that would have a right or reason to say anything to me, YOU do not. If anyone needs to go anywhere, you need to go to a mental hospital. Either that or a grave so you can be "liberated from this mad world and no longer have to deal with the pressures that stress us humans." I'm just trying not to be selfish.
kidpool @kidpool commented on Pathetic
Dec 17, 13 at 2:30pm
Its not that hard to find dumb threads on this forum since it not active... like AT ALL.
Um you guys should chill I think you guys are being too harsh talk about anime or somethin
Did you really come into this thread to tell us to calm down? Please go sit at the kiddy table where you belong, gentleboy. PS - You look like this guy, in so many ways <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=24l1nk1" target="_blank"><img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/24l1nk1.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Dec 17, 13 at 3:06pm
Lol michael a nobody hes just another butthurt ex military that dont get nothing lmao
I have never been to a zoo.... im pathetic :D
kidpool @kidpool commented on Pathetic
Dec 17, 13 at 3:32pm
oreo I take u to the zoo... ifuknowwhatimean
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