Megacon 2014 FL

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
Megacon 2014 FL
Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
Any of my Florida homies going? :3

Belle @hitomitsukimi
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Megacon 2014 FL
Belle @hitomitsukimi

PhantomEin @phantomein
commented on
Megacon 2014 FL
PhantomEin @phantomein
As lomg as rl isnt a douch yeah

redeagle321 @redeagle321
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Megacon 2014 FL
redeagle321 @redeagle321
Megacon 2014 is gonna be tha' shiz!

nekomimi85 @nekomimi85
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Megacon 2014 FL
nekomimi85 @nekomimi85
Of course. I am going!

music_wave @music_wave
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Megacon 2014 FL
music_wave @music_wave
I am new here meaning new to Florida where and when is megacon and is it fun? I moved her from Texas so everything is different also if anyone can make some costumes let me know cause I need one

PhantomEin @phantomein
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Megacon 2014 FL
PhantomEin @phantomein
@music_wave Megacon is in orlando its a sci-fy comic book and anime convention it gets reaally crowded lol

blueman @blueman
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Megacon 2014 FL
blueman @blueman
im going missed last year but honestly i think the fun of this con has gone down hill sence my first one in 08

blueman @blueman
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Megacon 2014 FL
blueman @blueman

blueman @blueman
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Megacon 2014 FL
blueman @blueman
opps anyw0ay anyone else have a view on this
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