Anime Milwaukee?

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
Anime Milwaukee?
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
I attend Anime Milwaukee every year and I was wondering who else does and wants to meet up there :)

Rain @rainx
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
Rain @rainx
Unsure at this point. Part of the main reason I'd go is to help work our ambassador table for our con, but it's going to come down to finances. I'm hoping too though. :P

cupofgurren @cupofgurren
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
cupofgurren @cupofgurren
!!! I've never been to one in Wisconsin before. Maybe I'll make it Saturday and Sunday.

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
Coolio :) I'm taking a group down this time again~ Question, is Maiotaku going to be advertised there like it was at Otakon? Because then we could get a lot more people from our region on here!

x_i_i_i @x_i_i_i
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Anime Milwaukee?
x_i_i_i @x_i_i_i
I'll be there again, I'm sure. I might be doing photography stuff.

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
Ah~ Okay :) I remember last year when I met you, you were running the board games area and we were playing apples to apples :D

aleemny @aleemny
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
aleemny @aleemny
I might be taking a group there but we aren't sure.

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
Hopefully you do ^^ I'm taking a group with me :3

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
bump so more people see it now that its closer to the date

cupofgurren @cupofgurren
commented on
Anime Milwaukee?
cupofgurren @cupofgurren
Almost forgot! Next week I'll have a better idea of my work schedule for that month. Definitely want to go and meet up with Maiotaku-ites. -Ians?
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