Beyond:Two Souls

arrekesu @arrekesu
Beyond:Two Souls
arrekesu @arrekesu
So...i just finished beating this game today, and was wondering what were any others thoughts or impressions about the game? Or their ending?

TaylorHime @taylorhime
commented on
Beyond:Two Souls
TaylorHime @taylorhime
It was really good, but I didn't like how it was more of a movie than actual gameplay. Maybe I'm just weird though.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
Beyond:Two Souls
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
I loved the game.

azukina @azukina
commented on
Beyond:Two Souls
azukina @azukina
i've only ever watched the LP from Pewds on youtube
the whole thing did feel cinematic, which was why I was compelled to watch, other than the fact how interesting it was. I have no comment on gameplay since i've never tried it, but it was VERY entertaining to watch the whole Lets Play ahah
There's alternate endings right?
Since you can have jody choose her partner
Seems like a cliffhanger to a Part 2 though owo;

arrekesu @arrekesu
commented on
Beyond:Two Souls
arrekesu @arrekesu
Well in a sense...there are alternate endings, but none really feel different that any other then my personal ending that i chose for Jody to be with the lil one, Zoe. In that ending, when she faces "The end of the world" there is to what i believe, and most others, a grown Zoe with Jody as well.
And...on top of that. Aiden does't just HAPPEN TO APPEAR. Which was one of my favorite parts of my ending because that honestly had no explanation IMO. (If someone knows why, feel free to tell me.)
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