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Sex while dating?

I believe that when I meet a person that I choose to spend the rest of my life with, and when that person accepts me, that I will share my virginity afterward. I am purposefully saving this so that when I do have sex, I won't have anything to compare it to realistically. I've seen harem, ecchi, and romance anime. I understand that the draw here (for both sexes) that makes such series successful can be greatly supported by how much fanservice is provided. I also understand that all these stories are fiction and don't necessarily apply to real life. That's not to say that I don't enjoy the story, either. Talking about controversial issues is best done when people have respect for their own viewpoints, people that share their viewpoints, and people who don't share those viewpoints.
I believe that when I meet a person that I choose to spend the rest of my life with, and when that person accepts me, that I will share my virginity afterward. I am purposefully saving this so that when I do have sex, I won't have anything to compare it to realistically. I've seen harem, ecchi, and romance anime. I understand that the draw here (for both sexes) that makes such series successful can be greatly supported by how much fanservice is provided. I also understand that all these stories are fiction and don't necessarily apply to real life. That's not to say that I don't enjoy the story, either. Talking about controversial issues is best done when people have respect for their own viewpoints, people that share their viewpoints, and people who don't share those viewpoints.
Sep 07, 10 at 7:49pm
Um I don't fall into that category at all I don't believe everything that's in it and I never will. And yes actually I have been forced to read it cover to cover no thanks to the K-3 school I attended.
Never, I grew up with the strict rule to wait until I was married. Nevertheless it shocks people that I stick to my guns so severly.
I found it so hard to save my virginity and I lost it. My previous relationship turned rotten and I left the relationship thankfully without getting pregnant or getting a disease. I want to go back to my rule of saving myself for marriage but I also know that if I do commit to having sex with someone outside of marriage again, that I will have no regrets about it and would make sure my partner feels the same.
Sep 13, 10 at 6:50pm
Just read through this entire thread and wanted to put my two cents into the bucket. 1. As an answer to the OP, not everyone believes in the same beliefs. That is why they have sex outside of marriage. Some people don't even want to get married. And even though you say that protection is not 100% effective, it isn't that big of a risk to worry about. The odds are in our favor. Yes, there will be rare cases where condoms don't work, hence the 99.9% instead of 100, but if you really believe in the bible and god you would believe that it's what god intended. If I'm misunderstanding your religion forgive me. We do what we want, because we want to. You choose to wait until marriage because you choose to think otherwise is wrong. Others choose to act like rabbits because they choose to not believe in what others do. End of story. 2. Personal observations are also known as opinions. Opinions are judgmental. Its not wrong to have your own opinion, everyones got one. But don't be shocked when someone calls you out when you say you are not judging. Especially when the people you talk about want to participate in this interesting topic.
I also want to add what I have learned from an older friend of mine. Whoever you have sex with, you are most likely going to have that memory of that person. So whomever next you fall into bed with, that memory might pop up while you are with that new person. That is another reason why, even though I'm not a virgin anymore, I want to wait till I marry. I do not want all the memories of all the potential guys I could be with.
Adding my two pennies ~ Referring to the OP, I personally don't believe in the Christian "God".{I'm Wiccan.} How can you condemn something YOU think is wrong as what GOD thinks is wrong? I'll quote the bible for you. <b>"Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.</b> Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."- Matthew 5:11-12 If I'm dating someone for 2 years and we feel we're ready to become one through sex but we're not married, I'll take the step. I <b>DO</b> have self-respect, morals,and principles. I CHOOSE to live MY life not by words of a book that has been the basis of horror & death in history. I respect your views but don't pass judgement{you DID, so don't deny it.} as if your view is "God's" view. Also, as far as I know, sex is not always emotional. "I'm just stating my own personal observations and thoughts about such" -Phanari {Bias opinions on something/someone is judging/judgement.}
Sep 15, 10 at 12:02am
I think we've beat this dead horse as much as we can... I think Phanari stop posting here because ,to her, I bet it seemed everyone else has turned against her. As far as I can tell, the consensus in this thread is that everyone seems to think essentially that premarital sex is okay.
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