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"The Dangers of Being a “Nice Guy”

Nezbit @narutobacca25
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"The Dangers of Being a “Nice Guy”
Nezbit @narutobacca25
Speaking specifically to the lifelong intimate relationships, I can't say that there's a guy who honestly takes this path and doesn't think about sex as an option. There are jerks out there that we all know about, some that trample over other peoples' hearts and feelings with disregard to satisfy themselves in whatever they feel is good at the time. This is true for both genders. There are 'nice' people who truly believe that they are nice, truly don't wish anything bad to happen to anyone they consider as a lifelong partner, and may keep such a person at (relationship-wise) arm's-length to 'make sure nothing happens until they're ready.' Thing is, if they don't know themselves, and continue to put this off, just waiting can be painful for the other person if you don't give a response. In this case, the bigger jerk might be the 'nice' person, tagging the other person along until they discover their own self, finding that it won't work out in the end after all. Then there are other 'nice' people who only play nice, but truly aren't. Lastly, there really are nice people, who truly live generously and have a giving and open heart. Unfortunately, the other 'nice' people tend to ruin their reputation for them.
"The Dangers of Being a “Nice Guy”

Nezbit @narutobacca25
commented on
"The Dangers of Being a “Nice Guy”
Nezbit @narutobacca25
dark cosplays 07: Although I think that discrimination may play a role as far as the article is concerned, I'm not so sure that *every* guy out there is in a relationship to have sex. I'm sure there are some that don't even once realistically consider it during a relationship, or at least keep it as a far off possibility that may or may not come to pass. I know there are guys who truly do live a chaste lifestyle until they die... and they're not sad because of it. You can be in a relationship and not think about sex. You can become married to someone and not think about sex, though this is admittedly rare. Relationships spread the whole gamut: from an acquaintance you may have passed in the street to the person you decide to spend the rest of your life with, if you have plans for that.