The Weekend
In The Rain @toxicblue
The Weekend
In The Rain @toxicblue
What are you guys/girls up to and/or normally do on the weekend?
I've been playing some league of legends, watching anime (log Horizon) and possibly going to catch up on some TV shows like the walking dead or sons of anarchy soon. Bored though , so it'd be nice to know what you are all up to :)
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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The Weekend
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
i always work weekends. I have Wed's off and usually enjoy diner and movies with someone I can drag along. If not that I do some cleaning and reading.
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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The Weekend
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Watch Doctor Who, play league of legends and DC Universe, shiny hunt on pokemon and thats about it lol
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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The Weekend
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
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The Weekend
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
It depends. I usually marathon anime since it's my days off from working.
Sometimes make plans with friends.
Should be more eventful by time next month comes. XD
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
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The Weekend
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
I work Saturday but on Sunday I duel and edit my yugioh decks with my brother's then go to church and then I go home and anime it upon Wednesday I have the day off so I just get all the anime I can In
In The Rain @toxicblue
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The Weekend
In The Rain @toxicblue
@Vid30kidd whats your League name? mind if i added you?
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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The Weekend
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Sure its ThatLazyBlackGuy. Right now I'm just doing aram games till the new season start.
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