Any EVE Online Players?

SimonSan @simonsanbr
Any EVE Online Players?
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Not expecting to find loads, just maybe a couple to stave off complete boredom since my other corp friends are otherwise busy these days and I dont want to join a new one just yet...
Hit me up in-game as Alex Devilson

eisenwolf @eisenwolf
commented on
Any EVE Online Players?
eisenwolf @eisenwolf
first, sorry for my bad english.
Languages not one of my best skills.
I am astonished, that here are such few Eve Gamers.
your thread is old, and i think, meanwhile you have found a interesting Corp in Eve.

eisenwolf @eisenwolf
commented on
Any EVE Online Players?
eisenwolf @eisenwolf
ups, i notice, your Corp is very small,and your kill statistik ..., not existent.
If living in high sec boring, search a 0.0 Corp and fight.
Be a small part of the great Wars in Eve.

eisenwolf @eisenwolf
commented on
Any EVE Online Players?
eisenwolf @eisenwolf
fighting against other players and npc's, scanning sites, Mining .... all i want to do, and help my Corp, Alliance an Coalition.
my avatar in Eve is "Eisen Wolf" and i am a Member of TWIUS a pure German speaking Corporation, in the DARKNESS. alliance. Over and over again, we are fighting vs. Goon's, and their pets.
But not only. There are many different enemy's.
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