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Kodoku na Doutei

37 year old Male
Last online over 5 years ago
... @fluffykitty left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Aug 25, 12 at 4:28am
hm well in my opinion i dont think its right to talk to a girl's friends, family, etc. behind her back... that just ain't right... im assuming you have a difficut time trusting people... perhaps due to previous relationships? o.O i think if you truly love someone and have that honest and trusting relationship then there wouldnt be any need to talk to her family/friends... gut feeling vs. brain? idk lol ill just listen to both...
... @fluffykitty left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Aug 25, 12 at 2:56am
"feedback from other people that know her?" So u like to talk to a girl's friends to see how she "really" is? O.O i guess you have a point about having an honest and open relationship in order to know each other well... and yet there is always a possibility of either partner being not so honest...
That Uke @thatuke left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Aug 24, 12 at 10:05pm
Hahaha. I don't know about that. I do talk to more people on here though than anywhere else. I am a lurker everywhere else. xD
... @fluffykitty left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Aug 24, 12 at 3:50am
thats a long time eh? XD but thats good that you take your time :) sexytime lol ive never really given the thought of how many years it gets to really know someone... o.O ive heard that one never really knows their partner no matter how many years theyve been together...
... @fluffykitty left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Aug 24, 12 at 12:41am
lol three girls :P you worry too much :) im sure youll find someone just for you! at least your trying some guys are like that but never try... o.O
Aug 23, 12 at 3:48pm
O.o lol i love ravers!
Aug 23, 12 at 1:55pm
o.o sorry to see what?
Aug 23, 12 at 6:41am
Well as of yesterday we are an official couple, So I'm pretty happy now! Lol. Thank you :).
... @fluffykitty left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Aug 23, 12 at 3:27am
nah there is always someone out there for one :) you just have to keep looking! positive thinking yay! XD
... @fluffykitty left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Aug 23, 12 at 2:20am
lonely virgin... am i right? o.O