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Feb 04, 11 at 10:30pm
Yeah I can't just drive to ones since live like 6 hours away lol hmm yeah maybe,though no matter how strict or what not,no excuse for rudeness. not a prob ^^,usually dont just add anyone and everyone cause only have for convention people but since are a cosplayer,is alright
Feb 04, 11 at 9:48pm
really?okay cool lol me personally can deal with any part of town,I sacrifice if have to for conventions. really? hmm hadn't heard of that,I just know that some places are more strict than others (they can also be dicks about things -_-,think was YuleCon my ex gotta treated kinda badly) heh maybe that cons just rigged for downs lol
Feb 04, 11 at 12:52am
I'm maybe rooming with this one guy I know but its kinda iffy and not sure how many people it would be,that or gonna talk to ex about rooming with him and his gang but might be awkward ^^",if i'm lucky by than though i'll have found someone to just share with and not have to worry bout awkwardness or people dont know lol money wise for me shouldnt be a problem as long can get job. ah. Well if I did L,I'd probably wanna do handcuff version with someone but adda few extra things also,like umm idk,giant sugar cube or something lol but I'm planning to have Maka done so if go to a-kon,wish had a Soul though or even a Kidd or Black Star,oh no wait Stein even more so (favorite one pretty much lol)
Feb 04, 11 at 12:28am
Well I'm not sure on what cons I can go to for the moment cause I'm on my own and mamas not much for them ^^" (cant drive yet) in march gonna try for license but than got problem of rooming lol do you have anyone that cosplay with already? and what type of cosplay are you into? cause I go in any and every direction lol
Feb 04, 11 at 12:03am
me to ^^",Well I could maybe see me doing L if had someone to cosplay with,I think I'd have to add a little to though so not like every other one lol actually thats how I am with a few cosplays or well most,cause is always better when have someone from same show with lol
Feb 03, 11 at 11:07pm
yeah,sometimes sleeping is alot better,though sadly recently for me hasnt,had nightmares for bout week now. it depends on lighting and I usually dont put pics up that show bad things lol I dont do any deathnote characters cause I agree with alot,to casual,also alot have done and i like to do cosplay not many have done
Feb 03, 11 at 10:18pm
Eh,yeah its a get use to kinda thing,though I dont recommend cause it does damage to your eyes lol than again I was born with darkness under them,a natural born L lol
Feb 03, 11 at 9:39pm
well lucky you lol I'm quite lazy myself and can sleep for literally a day BUT I can also survive on 2 hours a sleep a day lol what use to do for school
Feb 03, 11 at 9:02pm
aw that one really suck,back when gaming was all I had (no internet) that use to happen all the time,yeah I was never a happy camper cause I dont save very often (trained myself to do a little more often now adays lol) tsk tsk a nap? gosh lazy much =p hmm yeah true
Feb 03, 11 at 8:52pm
blackouts suck,especially when in middle of something important -_-,we've only had one -knocks on wood- lol yeah that is good reasoning ^^ I think alot prefer the same,though there are some i like the other way around,lets see whats one,I think it was Goku,had a high pitch original and was really weird
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