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Good @colddream
Good @colddream
Everything you have said is false. I'm not mean I'm good it's in the name.
You about are about a tall as an overgrown hobbit.
And lastly no hugs... you got cooties.

juwu @jijuwu
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juwu @jijuwu
Very mean. Calling me BAD words. Telling me that I am not tall. But I AM tall. Huge actually. I also want huggywuggies.

juwu @jijuwu Aaaaa you are so mean to me >/////<

juwu @jijuwu
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juwu @jijuwu
Very mean. Calling me BAD words. Telling me that I am not tall. But I AM tall. Huge actually. I also want huggywuggies.

yuuzora @yuuzora
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yuuzora @yuuzora
Reading my profile before sending a request will be helpful to you dear sir. If you're okay with all that, we may proceed. Thank you.