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Renn @neeki
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Renn @neeki
it's okay I guess, I've met some really cool ppl here and then like everywhere else some not so awesome ppl. Overall it's pretty chill though :3

Renn @neeki
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Renn @neeki
hehe yeah the lonelyisland is awesome ^^ I like their "threw it on the ground" song better though XD
I don't find it awkward much, porbably cause i'm used to talking to dudes being as I grew up with two brothers ...
Also i'm not on here to actually date as i already have someone so that makes it easier too i spose (:

inochan808 @inochan808
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inochan808 @inochan808
I never heard of most of those. I may check some out. Hetalia is an allegory parody of the countries of the world during various points of history.
At first I thought it was stupid but now I'm addicted. xP

Ladune @ladune
commented on
Ladune @ladune
Damn great anime. Although I wish that as the "Overlord" Ains or Momon would take some more really Evil actions. Right now I feel like he is kindoff the undercover evil guy,, like a wolf pretending to be a sheep kind off thing.... (not all his actions ofcourse.. got to kill the angels >:) )
Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Ladune @ladune
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Ladune @ladune
Judge my outside looks for yourself (hides for cover)
As for inner beauty (the other side of the coin) I would say I'm honest in a lot of ways but that aint always good. Sometimes im so inconsiderate about circumstances and peoples feelings ... I just say what I think. no bad intentions.. never.. just being a big oaf sometimes but at the same time that honesty is my biggest strength. you need me.. im there. you need someone to talk to.. I can listen to you very well... i'd still say to my sister that her new dress looks ugly on her if that's the first thing I am thinking when I see for the first time... gomena sai nee-chan..