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TioUncle_D @tiouncle_d
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TioUncle_D @tiouncle_d
Hi. I hope its not weird im randomly messaging you lol. Still kinda new and looking for new people to talk to on this thing and found your page and you seem like a pretty cool girl so thought I should introduce myself. Im Dennis nice to meet you :p

bleeding_perfection @bleeding_perfection
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bleeding_perfection @bleeding_perfection
My favorite Stephen King series is The Dark Tower. I know that series isn't horror, but it's still my favorite of his works.
And my favorite video game...? That's a really hard one...
Oh, wait... no it isn't. Final Fantasy VII, of course! The best game ever made!

bleeding_perfection @bleeding_perfection
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bleeding_perfection @bleeding_perfection
Ah, I take my writing inspiration from Ted Dekker and Stephen King. I consider myself to be at least a professional level, though certainly not as good as Stephen King. He's just way too good for me to compare myself to at this point.
And RPing is relatively simple. There are a few basic ideas behind it. One, it's just like a multiplayer video game, only with words. Basically, this means that the only thing you can influence is your own character, in most situations. There are a few supplememtal rules to this, such as when two characters enter combat. Damage to the other writer's character(s) can only be inflicted with their approval. For example, I can't just have my guy walk into a room and shank your guy. There has to be a mutual agreement.
Two, there's this thing called "godmodding," which is essentially controlling another person's character altogether, and this is just plain bad.
Besides that, it's really just like an mmorpg with words. You write something, I write something in return, we play off the actions of the other characters and develop the story as a group.
It's alot of fun once you get into it.
Needing Advice

kazumi011 @kazumi011
Needing Advice
kazumi011 @kazumi011
So there's this guy, and I really like him. And sometimes...I swear he is flirting with me and might just like me back, but he rarely gets online. When he does, our conversations are fun. I want to talk to him more, but I'm too nervous to give him my number or anything like that. Am I being stupid? Should I just give up? I really like him, but I don't want to act like an idiot chasing after nothing. Any advice?

kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
OHHHHH!!!!! The dreaded spam!!!!!! *falls dramatically to floor* Well, it was just a thought :)