Needing Advice

kazumi011 @kazumi011
Needing Advice
kazumi011 @kazumi011
So there's this guy, and I really like him. And sometimes...I swear he is flirting with me and might just like me back, but he rarely gets online. When he does, our conversations are fun. I want to talk to him more, but I'm too nervous to give him my number or anything like that. Am I being stupid? Should I just give up? I really like him, but I don't want to act like an idiot chasing after nothing. Any advice?

Razgriz @razgriz
commented on
Needing Advice
Razgriz @razgriz
no your not being stupid. There is nothing wrong with giving out a number or asking his number. Communication is usually key in starting any relationship and it doesn't hurt to have different forms of talking. I say ask for his number if not an Email would be good too

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Needing Advice
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I agree, you're not being stupid. nothing wrong with being careful. Still, if you want to see where the relationship goes, you should ask him if he wants to take it further. Trust your gut. If something seems off, protect yourself. Going slow is never stupid.

Bri-Kun @raz
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Needing Advice
Bri-Kun @raz
Hey Kaz I'm Raz. It seems I'm 16 days late; alas, I figure I could throw in my 2 cents, you come off as a pretty nice, intelligent, and attractive girl. I don't blame you for being hesitant since the internet can be a scary place. The important thing is to show that you're interested each time you have a conversation with him. Let the chips fall into place. Like Ridingcatbus said, "going slow is never stupid." There are methods out there that should help you feel more certain about his persona (like if you can trust him on a personal level). Have you tried webcamming or mic chatting? If so, then you should know by now if you're comfortable enough for him to have your cell #. HOWEVER! The flip-side beckons these questions: What if I wait too long and he ends up with another chick? Will I be okay with him banging somebody else? You can't rule out this possibility. What's most important is to not hurt yourself emotionally. When you feel the time is right then it WILL be right, otherwise it just wasn't meant to be.

FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
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Needing Advice
FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
I understand where your coming from it's always good to be cautious.

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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Needing Advice
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
Ask for his discord.
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